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  1. Baramburum

    Wolfenstein The New Order Trainer

    Thanks!!! it would be nice to have the unlimited laser as well
  2. Baramburum

    Sheltered Trainer

    i have version 2.002 and the trainer doesnt seem working :-(
  3. Baramburum

    Mini Metro

    +1 - Unlimited Trains - Unlimited Bridges - Unlimited any resources :-)
  4. Baramburum

    Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Trainer

    Failure loading the trainer, this is not a valid cheat table. same errors
  5. Baramburum

    Fight The Dragon Trainer

    12 October /announcements/detail/73540045772541306']Version 1.1.0, Build 8.9 - Fixels! just released
  6. Baramburum

    Skyhill Trainer

    Thanks a lot. It should be also: - Unlimited Skill Points
  7. Baramburum

    [REQ] Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

    +1 23 September /announcements/detail/806499168108794962']Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime v1.1.4 now available!
  8. Baramburum

    Rack N Ruin

  9. Baramburum

    Skyshine's Bedlam

    +1 must be :-)
  10. Baramburum

    I Shall Remain Trainer

    it works for me if you relaunch trainer a couple times. But unlimited ammo doesn`t work for me as well
  11. Baramburum

    Renowned Explorers

    Please! +1
  12. Baramburum

    Azure Striker Gunvolt Trainer

    It is incorrect to use F1, F2, F3 as a cheat activation, as those buttons are pretty action in the game
  13. Baramburum

    Celestian Tales: Old North

    +1 Please
  14. Baramburum

    Massive Chalice Trainer

    Just released a full version +1