Trainer Search

tal onzy

May 21, 2014
Reaction score
andy chalk pcgamer

first on the chance that a beta patch breaks the existing trainer MAF will not fix-update or make a new trainer based on a beta patch so you have been warned if you opt into testing the beta patch .

Looking for something to do this weekend? It could be a perfect time to patch Fallout 4! A new beta patch is now live live on Steam, taking the game to version 1.3, all without (based on the current lack of complaints in the comments) messing with mod support.
The patch doesn't bring anything super-exciting to the table, unless you get charged up by ambient occlusion settings or new status menus. And hey, I don't judge if you do, but this patch seems to be more about the tweaks and the fixes rather than the new hotness: General memory and stability improvements, improved performance when looking through a scope, MacReady's Killshot perk now calculating headshot percentages properly, that sort of thing. Important business to be sure, but not the sort of thing that really makes a headline pop.
Here's the full list of new features:

  • New ambient occlusion setting, HBAO+
  • New weapon debris effects (NVIDIA cards only)
  • Added status menu for settlers in your settlements
  • Added ability to rotate an object you are holding with left/right triggers and pressing down on left thumbstick lets you switch the rotating axis
  • Improved "ESDF" keys remapping support while in Workshop mode
If you want to lay your hands on this patch right away, you'll need to be opted in to the beta update program, the process for which is explained in the update announcement. Generally speaking, Bethesda is pretty good at not pushing patches before they're ready, but it is a beta patch, so consider yourself warned and exercise whatever degree of caution you feel appropriate.