The WeMod trainer, which looks to be the latest trainer, is only usable with the 32 bit version of Borderlands. I tried it with the latest version of Borderlands GOTY Enhanced (from the Steam sale) and the enhanced version is 64 bit, will not work with WeMod.
Edit: The two other trainers offered for download, both from MAF, do not work with this version either. Seems odd, as the version of the executable is 1.5.0, and one of the MAF trainers is specifically for that version, but does not detect the game running.
Edit: I see the problem now - the MAF trainer for 1.5.0 is looking for "Borderlands.exe" - - the new exe is "BorderlandsGOTY.exe". I did the logical thing, and renamed the exe - the trainer generates an error "Cheat Couldn't Activate!". Maybe, if it has to be rewritten for the new 64 bit GOTY version, we could get a trainer with the same capabilities as the ones for Borderlands 2, and the Pre-Sequel already have?