Can someone tell me why is increasing your stat offline suspicious? I farmed a lot last night and got to level 17 legit. But if I were to just add some points on stats, how could they tell if the level increase with each stat point you add?
I just want to save some time from farming for souls.
Shouldn't it be painfully obvious why that's so easy to detect? If i managed to reach level 30 within just 1 hour of playing the game, and I've only unlocked two bonfires in Lothric, shouldn't that immediately raise red flags? It's circumstantial evidence for suspicious activity and would incite and investigation into your save game data.
Before anyone tries the boneheaded idea of using the trainer while playing online remember this:
Your saved game(s) is on From Software's servers.
If you want to reduce the chances of getting caught be smart:
Don't use the trainer online, and dont ever use the item duplication cheat because that will get you caught sooner or later.
If you want to cheese your stats, go offline, turn on inf. HP and Stamina and start farming.
Also, on the subject of Soul Memory, while Dark Souls 3 no longer uses Soul Memory for PVP, I have absolutely no doubts that the amount of souls you collect is still being recorded in the background; reason being that soul memory was a really simple metric that From Software used to find out who was cheating.