Trainer Search


Aug 11, 2014
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Many thx. Just used the gold & crafting mats cheat to save on tedium, but working fine.


New Member
Oct 20, 2014
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inf mana doesnt quite work as expected, i tested it using blizzard, the mana bar goes down, and once it hits 0, it resets to full again, this causes blizzard to turn itself off because 0 mana.
i believe you might have wanted inf mana to make your mana like 9999999 or something?
i could be wrong though, or maybe its just different for me because i did something wrong :p

oh and fade step and no CDs....
(though would be more comfortable if i could use it with controller, just saying though :x )

Edit: Oh on second thought, maybe its just blizzards constant use of mana? i must have done something wrong aswell :p because all my other spells would usually have used up mana, now they dont for some odd reason, just ignore me XD
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New Member
Nov 25, 2014
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inf mana doesnt quite work as expected, i tested it using blizzard, the mana bar goes down, and once it hits 0, it resets to full again, this causes blizzard to turn itself off because 0 mana.
i believe you might have wanted inf mana to make your mana like 9999999 or something?
i could be wrong though, or maybe its just different for me because i did something wrong :p

oh and fade step and no CDs....
(though would be more comfortable if i could use it with controller, just saying though :x )

Edit: Oh on second thought, maybe its just blizzards constant use of mana? i must have done something wrong aswell :p because all my other spells would usually have used up mana, now they dont for some odd reason, just ignore me XD

Fade Step + Instant Cooldown = Epicwinsuperfunmegahappytime!

So much faster zipping around that way than using a mount. And it's not you, the constant drain on mana seems to affect the trainer, when using blizzard it will keep going down until it hits zero but if you keep using abilities that use mana it will keep resetting to full and blizzard will remain active indefinitely this way.


Honorary Member
Master Donor
Jun 5, 2014
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Will the trainer be updated for 1.02,? none of them work for me right now.

So why you asking will it work for update 2, If you already know the answer.

And read notice etc...

If still not working then wait for an update


New Member
Apr 27, 2014
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I've been primarily using this trainer for the Max Crafting Materials option and its been working great but I was wondering if it was at all possible to allow it to also affect Fade-Touched (Masterwork) materials as well? Unless there's something else that's preventing that from working? And although the instructions recommend saving after a battle, I've found that you can actually just activate the cheat, save then reload for it to take effect immediately without having to bother finding something to fight and loot.


Master Donor
Jul 1, 2014
Reaction score
I am getting crashes when I try to turn in research. I think I may have a few hundred o the research items. Anyone else had and resolved this issue?
Love that I don't have to play through a second time to get all the content. Games should not be work.


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
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I've been primarily using this trainer for the Max Crafting Materials option and its been working great but I was wondering if it was at all possible to allow it to also affect Fade-Touched (Masterwork) materials as well? Unless there's something else that's preventing that from working? And although the instructions recommend saving after a battle, I've found that you can actually just activate the cheat, save then reload for it to take effect immediately without having to bother finding something to fight and loot.

While tinkering with the trainer I've found that if you have the max crafting items activated and go into your inventory and into crafting materials and select something and this will sound stupid but actually try to throw it away the trainer will make the item stack up to 99. This also seems to work for logging and quarry items, as well, lol, go the whole game with just finding one of each make them stack to 99 each and you have those resources be more than you will ever use for that play through. I've run into a few odd items that will not stack no matter what like Nevarran skulls and Broken Philters, just random items that I think that are used for requisitions. If this makes you nervous, before doing this save your game. I've had it happen to where I've did this and forgot to fire up the trainer before hand and seriously threw away a rare crafting item, lol, luckily I had it saved before doing this.

And about the crashing on research items turn ins, make sure you have the trainer turned off or load into the the game without turning on the trainer and turn stuff in for research. I have had it happen though when I have the trainer off and just get into the game when I try to turn stuff in it crashes. I don't know for certain but I'm willing to bet its just some stupid crap to where the game can't handle stupid amounts of stacks of different items all at once. What I did to work around it was load into the game with the trainer off and throw away stuff to turn in until it gets to like 2 maybe 3 stacks of each item to turn in. As it is, you only need just 1 stack to get the item fully researched.
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Master Donor
Jul 1, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, I threw out most of the huge stacks and they turned in fine. Thanks.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2014
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I would also like to very much request the speedhack feature in the next version of the hack if you could please consider it.


New Member
Dec 10, 2014
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well i still can't get the fast abilities cooldown to work.. with every version of the trainers.. :/ probably only an update will save me :p


New Member
May 26, 2014
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Will the trainer be updated for 1.02,? none of them work for me right now.

how it works for me...
>run teh game
>run maf's trainer as admin
>in game press F1 and for example F10
>must have at least 1 of those crafting mats, select one and MOVE TO VALUABLES
>go to Valuables, select UNMARK FOR SALE
>voila, voodoo magic gets you 99 mats!
>Thank Maf


New Member
Apr 27, 2014
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While tinkering with the trainer I've found that if you have the max crafting items activated and go into your inventory and into crafting materials and select something and this will sound stupid but actually try to throw it away the trainer will make the item stack up to 99. This also seems to work for logging and quarry items, as well, lol, go the whole game with just finding one of each make them stack to 99 each and you have those resources be more than you will ever use for that play through. I've run into a few odd items that will not stack no matter what like Nevarran skulls and Broken Philters, just random items that I think that are used for requisitions. If this makes you nervous, before doing this save your game. I've had it happen to where I've did this and forgot to fire up the trainer before hand and seriously threw away a rare crafting item, lol, luckily I had it saved before doing this.
Yeah, I've used it with great effect on the Logging Stands and Quarries, as well as some of the junk item valuables for easy gold, but its the Fade-Touched masterwork items that its unfortunately not working on. And those are the items that are a real pain in the ass to farm since its completely RNG (like loot and schematics in chests) as to whether we'll get it as a drop or not, having a 99 stack of Fade-Touched Silverite or Plush Fustian Velvet would take a lot of the tedium out of gathering the stuff. And this crafting materials cheat actually even works on the Nevarran Skulls and Broken Philters, basically all the materials you need to get the class specializations, since those items specifically only stack to a maximum of 3. So, even if you only pick up a single one, the cheat will make 3 of them immediately and create new stacks for the next ones you pick up.


New Member
Dec 17, 2014
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It might have been answered already, if it has then I apologize. Is there a way to set the trainer to the numpad instead of the F1-F12 keys? The quicksave is F5 which is also the Mega Exp turn on, it's irritating to press it twice and to remember if the cheat is activated or not due to saving.


Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
It might have been answered already, if it has then I apologize. Is there a way to set the trainer to the numpad instead of the F1-F12 keys? The quicksave is F5 which is also the Mega Exp turn on, it's irritating to press it twice and to remember if the cheat is activated or not due to saving.

You can also change the Quicksave and Quickload. I have mine set to / and * (top of numpad) have my characters as Numpad 1-4 then use F1-F12 for trainer. Easier to change hotkeys then try to alter the trainer.


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
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Yeah, I've used it with great effect on the Logging Stands and Quarries, as well as some of the junk item valuables for easy gold, but its the Fade-Touched masterwork items that its unfortunately not working on. And those are the items that are a real pain in the *** to farm since its completely RNG (like loot and schematics in chests) as to whether we'll get it as a drop or not, having a 99 stack of Fade-Touched Silverite or Plush Fustian Velvet would take a lot of the tedium out of gathering the stuff. And this crafting materials cheat actually even works on the Nevarran Skulls and Broken Philters, basically all the materials you need to get the class specializations, since those items specifically only stack to a maximum of 3. So, even if you only pick up a single one, the cheat will make 3 of them immediately and create new stacks for the next ones you pick up.
