Trainer Search


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Nov 14, 2015
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my game crashes at the part where you drag a kid with you. why does it do that? even though i used the crash fix it always crashes


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Mar 29, 2019
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the trainer crashes my game when i pick up the pistol at begaing any help please
Jun 1, 2019
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I got a trojan
No you didn't. You got what's called a "false positive". Which means your anti-virus falsely detected the trainer as a trojan.

90% of all trainers will trigger a false positive. This is because a trainer works by altering/injecting value data in your RAM while the game is running. This makes your anti-virus think "hey! What's his problem? He's injecting us with random data, kill him!"
Just deactivate your anti-virus during downloading the trainer. Then add the trainer as an exception in your anti-virus before you launch it. Simples.

No, it's not a trojan. Every decent gamer knows all of this.
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Jun 1, 2019
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Finished the game (again lol) a couple of days back, thank you for the excellent trainer, @MrAntiFun.

Just a couple words of advice to everyone though:
  1. Avoid using the no reload cheat. For some reason, it breaks shotguns in the game - your character will still behave as if your shotgun needs reloading but will be unable to do so. And your character will be unable to use the weapon and will also be unable to change weapons, forcing you to close the game and reload from the last checkpoint (and the game intro credits are loooonnnggg). I'd personally advise MAF to remove the no reload cheat from the trainer. Considering most of the game takes place in confined spaces, shotguns are your most valuable weapon, especially the Shambler shotgun, which brings us to #2 below.
  2. If you pick up an upgraded Shambler or exit the shop after customising your Shambler, the game will freeze. This is not an issue caused by the trainer but it is actually an issue in the game itself that the devs never bothered to fix. Do not Alt-Ctrl+Delete out of the game. Just wait. Eventually, the game will unfreeze, but it'll take around two to five minutes (apparently alt-tabbing to the desktop speeds this up but I haven't noticed a difference personally). So basically buy all the upgrades you want for the Shambler in one go then you'll never have to go through the freeze again.
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Active Member
Sep 19, 2014
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Finished the game (again lol) a couple of days back, thank you for the excellent trainer, @MrAntiFun.

Just a couple words of advice to everyone though:
  1. Avoid using the no reload cheat. For some reason, it breaks shotguns in the game - your character will still behave as if your shotgun needs reloading but will be unable to do so. And your character will be unable to use the weapon and will also be unable to change weapons, forcing you to close the game and reload from the last checkpoint (and the game intro credits are loooonnnggg). I'd personally advise MAF to remove the no reload cheat from the trainer. Considering most of the game takes place in confined spaces, shotguns are your most valuable weapon, especially the Shambler shotgun, which brings us to #2 below.
  2. If you pick up an upgraded Shambler or exit the shop after customising your Shambler, the game will freeze. This is not an issue caused by the trainer but it is actually an issue in the game itself that the devs never bothered to fix. Do not Alt-Ctrl+Delete out of the game. Just wait. Eventually, the game will unfreeze, but it'll take around two to five minutes (apparently alt-tabbing to the desktop speeds this up but I haven't noticed a difference personally). So basically buy all the upgrades you want for the Shambler in one go then you'll never have to go through the freeze again.
Thanks! I wanted to leave this game, but after read this, i will continue.
Jun 1, 2019
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i have the same problem
Try either turning off all cheats except infinite health or don't turn the trainer on until you've collected it.

Trainers (not just this one) in general tend to break or crash the game if you have an objective to, for example, pick up ammo - or a weapon containing ammo - but is made impossible by an infinite ammo cheat.
If memory serves me correctly, in the game you are given a pistol to defend your station, that pistol has ammo in it. So if you have the infinite ammo cheat on when you're given the pistol then you're probably trying to add X bullets into Infinite bullets. So the game is like "Mate wtf? Does not compute. ARRGGHH! *crash*".
Shortly after that, you'll also need to collect some "cash" and a gas mask filter too, so don't turn the infinite cash or infinite filter cheat on yet either.

So yeah, don't turn the trainer on until you picked them up.
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New Member
Jun 8, 2018
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So I'm using the Epic Games version which says it's version 1.0.0. When I try downloading any of the non-steam trainers and press F2 or F3 or any of them, I get the default Windows sound for pressing an incorrect key. Any ideas?


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
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As this has just been made free, there might be more interest to get a fresh trainer. (WeMod)

I can only get "Unlimited Money" and Unlimited Filtertime" to activate


New Member
Feb 11, 2015
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Hello wemod trainer does not work steam version and epic
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New Member
Mar 10, 2018
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Selling out to this company that forces us to pay... I used to only download your mods man, and now you don't even clarify its their shitty mods you have as the DL link... this is such a sad day. the moment you sold out for a partnership with this bullcrap is a day that I lose faith in do gooders like you. Guess i'll need to just play the game normally...