ok didnt want to do it but... are you that retarded? you have some mental problems or you cant read... i know wht the tire heating does. but is not good implemented yet. do you even own the game? check their forum, feedback? or even reddit? just bcos you cant read and understand what others say, doesnt mean that their are stupid... you are, in this case

if you own the game... you are lying then, bcos this is one of the main topics of the game right now, bcos the game is "still" a litte buggy!.
and not only the tires, the AI and even our own drivers have problems, and traits, and reports, % performance... etc. (i own the game so i'm conscious about those problems)
if you dont own it, i believe you, and you are too F*** lazy to do some research.
whaat? the game doesnt work like the devs says? no way... that never happen!
-thats why they release new patch's and hotfix's maybe?-