Trainer Search

Oct 14, 2014
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Great trainer, thanks!
Too bad the game is boring a hell even with or without cheats.
Good thing I didn't buy it, free GOG version FTW! :D


Super Donor
May 1, 2014
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Great trainer, thanks!
Too bad the game is boring a hell even with or without cheats.
Good thing I didn't buy it, free GOG version FTW! :D
I was considering getting this one... is it worth the $60? is it a bit of fun (at the very least)?


Mar 6, 2015
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yeah i get what you mean
So do I and I am happy I did.

I was considering getting this one... is it worth the $60? is it a bit of fun (at the very least)?

Well let's say, would you find it worthwile to spend 60 bucks to uhm have some fun for a day, or maybe 2? You know the problem with this game is... Yes every planet is a bit different, but you do the same stuff.. There is not much to trade.. Back to doing the same stuff you have you ship and your life support stuff, and you just have uhm get the resources to keep going. This game is rinse-repeat, rinse-repeat, rinse-repeat. So it is fun for a while, I went and explored I thought 'let's explore one planet.' And I went for that, learning new words for the aliens and checking settlements, but there is like 4-6 types of buildings, and they are ALL the same... So whatever planet you go, the same settlements, the same beacons, the same events everything the same all over...

Shannon Code

New Member
Aug 13, 2016
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If you could share your cheat table or other starting point I'd love to continue and improve upon your work. I plan on building a full automaton and turning the game into a fish tank of sorts. The work you've done would help me bootstrap.

Yes there is a bit of bouncing but i never got stuck underneath the terrain , The movement function is a bit different from the other games i worked on before and its not very cheat friendly , Im afraid i wont be able to do any more improvements on the cheat for now .


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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New trainer added :-
  1. Fixed and improved Easy Crafting
  2. Fixed and improved Ammo Cheat
  3. Fixed and improved Energy Cheat
  4. Fixed and improved Materials
  5. Added Easy Translation Cheat
  6. Added No Alert Cheat
  7. Added Fast kill


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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Can't seem to get it working on the GOG version, but I've only tried once
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
dosent work it say its enable but nothing happends
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
the trainer stopped working for me :/ anyone got any tips to fix?
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
no working for me for GOG verison.
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
me neither, not working on GOG version :(
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
Atlas and crafting works, but its glitched with upgrades.
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
Doesnt work for me, trainer starts, but i can only see the icon in the task bar but i cant actualy see the trainer itself
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
first of all, Thank you MAF for all your hard work (and speedy) work!

I've currenctly got the GOG version and what i'm noticing is:
- inf items does indeed work however they cannot be sold (shows -1 on market)
- also.. as with everyone else, the Tech is uncraftable... can craft components but not tech
fixed item and crafting bugs
Put more money, i can't buy some spaceships with 99.999.999
Fixed to 999million in latest trainer +18
cant craft with easy craft.. please fix it

Good Job!
Fixed in latest trainer .
hey maf can you make an inf hyperdrive please?
The energy cheat now should fill up your hyper drive if its activated ,You just have to hover over the hyperdrive in your inventory .
they dont work lol
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
the easy crafting doesnt work for me =(
Fixed in latest trainer
Can anyone tell me how to activate the trainer after I ran the game? Because the game won't alt-tab back and requires restart if I alt-tab out to open the trainer...
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
need a language cheat if possible been talking to this guy for 3 hours and still 60% of what he says is unknown and thats just 1 language
Added in latest trainer +18
I cant craft multi-tool upgrades with the easy craft cheat. Please fix.
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
Don't know if anyone managed to get this but there are some ships that cost more than 999m, can you raise the amount of credits in the inf units cheat?
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
Easy craft is buggedish.. when they require certain materials, I'd also like to ask, is it possible to add a "No warp limit" option?
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
Mrantifun, the software dont work.. New version please..
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
Not Working on GOG version
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
Is there something u can do about alien languages ?? something to unlock all words from the aliens
Added in latest trainer +18.
easy crafting is broken when repairing or making upgrades
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
I would love if the easy craft feature would also work on making tech. I mean it sorta works, it shows that u need 0 things of everything but u can still not make it.

Besides that its an 11/10 trainer. thanks a lot @Mr.AntiFun . u're a god. =)
Fixed in latest trainer +18.
Thanks a bunch mate, that damn recharging everything was getting too repetitive :mad::mad: for me anyways :p;):)

Awesome work as usual, U R THA KING!! (or QUEEN if u r a Lady) "A lady you say? Oh my! After you Meladie"!! (Pommy acc.)

Are you going to keep working on this one? I think the devs hopefully have bigger things planned for this game, imagine once the content and maybe random scripted events gets added this game is gonna be like no udda!! Absolutely loving so far even despite the minor bugs, man there are some haters out there at the mo dissin this game. Maybe we are all just too damn spoilt these days.......
Included energy of devices in the cheat ,Just activate the cheat and hover over the item and it should fill to 100%
First run the game then run the trainer and activate the options
Use trainer +18 B and it should work.
Can you please add Fast Repair like Fast Crafting?
Added on latest trainer
What does easy atlas pass do?
Some doors require keys the cheat allow you to bypass the need for a key


New Member
Mar 13, 2016
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@maf Dunno if the games files can grants you to create command to teleport to a planet (means be close to a friend)


New Member
Aug 14, 2016
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.......No Man's Sky V1.00 Trainer +18
......If trainer doesnt activate any of the cheats then use B trainer

That was fast :)
The only thing Im not a fan of is infinite units. It's nice to try out different aspects of the game with but I'd advise not using it on your main account (if the game even lets you save diffrent ones). Once triggered the account has so much cheese on it (9,999,999,999 units), there is no way to backout and the fun drops. Huge part of the game is economic driven so it would be cool if "inf.Units" toggle had another variant 1m.Units that did a +1,000,000 per key press instead of maxing it out or 0.Units to reset it to ZERO?

Anyway the trainer is really tight. great job ..
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2014
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are you able to add infinite warp drive fuel?


New Member
Jan 25, 2016
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How actually do you use Easy Translation?

I activated it and talked to an alien NPC - no result :(



New Member
Feb 13, 2016
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Everything works, and it was perfect for a while...but now my mining beam and boltcaster don't work. They're full of ammo/charge, but clicking does nothing. I've tried loads of stuff, including dismantling upgrades and swapping multi-tools, but so far nothing works. Oddly, the grenades are fine!

Anyone else having the same problem?

(By the way, problems or no, thanks a lot MrAntiFun)