Trainer Search


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Current Trainers:
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) v1.0 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 7-25-22 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 8-24-22 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 10-19-22 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) v1.0.7 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 7-27-23 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 7-31-23 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) v1.1.0 Trainer +24
NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: New Born (Steam) 9-22-23 Trainer +24

  1. Edit Player Money
  2. Edit Player Supplies
  3. Edit Player Prestige
  4. Unlimited Labors
  5. Fast Construct Castle Facilities
  6. Fast Complete Castle Land Measures
  7. Fast Complete Castle Developments
  8. Edit Officer: Leadership
  9. Edit Officer: Strength
  10. Edit Officer: Politics
  11. Edit Officer: Intelligence
  12. Edit Officer: Contribution
  13. Edit Officer: Birth Year
  14. Edit Officer: Max Loyalty
  15. Edit Officer: Zero Loyalty
  16. Edit Castle: Supplies
  17. Edit Castle: HP
  18. Edit Castle: Max HP
  19. Edit Castle: Unlock All Facility Slots
  20. Edit Unit: Soldiers
  21. Edit Unit: Provisions
  22. AI Factions Can't Construct Facilities
  23. AI Factions Can't Complete Land Measures
  24. Set Game Speed
Start the game first, when you're in the main menu, then hit the 'Play' button to load the trainer.


  • NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION New Born (Steam) Trainer Setup.exe
    139.6 KB · Views: 302
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