here some cheats:
Hold Space Bar: Display supply mode.
Tab: Switch between air and ground view
Page Up/Down: Scrolls through units that still have movement or attack points left
F5: Quick save
F8: Quick load
F9: Take screenshot, saved in the game documents folder (PNG file format)
Escape: Opens the options menu.
Arrow keys: Scroll the map
WASD keys: Scroll the map (qwerty)
ZQSD keys: Scroll the map (azerty)
P: Open/close purchase menu
F: Open/close force pool list
CTRL + Enter: End turn
R: Repair selected unit
E: Elite repair selected unit
U: Open upgrade menu for selected unit
-: Zoom out
+: Zoom in
Editor Hotkeys
Shift + Click (with unit selected): Move unit to new location
CTRL + numpad number (with unit selected: Set AI team <number>
ALT + numpad number (with unit selected: Set AI team 10 + <number>
CTRL + click (with valid transport type selected): Assign transport to target unit on the map
CTRL + T: toggle overlay image on/off (<yourscenarioname>_template.jpg)
R: Change hovered unit facing (left/right)
oben console
disable AI
enable AI
instant victory
instant defeat
#warbonds (x)
+500 resources (request X ress.)
disable fog of war
(all fromVPaulus from Slitherine Team) THX!!