Hy guys, so it seams you can edit your own save file its a bit complicated cuz you have to unpack it then pack it back and search for stuff so with that said, find your save file should be C:\Users\${YourUser}\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Saved Games , then unzip, unrar... your save file , for this i used 7z, after that there are gona be some files main ones are : party.json and player.json , in the party one you can edit your characters for skill points, endurance .... and in player you can edit events, money etc. there is one more statistic.json in witch there is a layout of everything you did, chose in the game so im guessing if you did not liked what you pick you can edit that as well, the text in the files is gona be linked with no spaces so you need a better tool for edditing like notepad++ and in that you need to add a specific plug in jstool so when you open them in notepad++ or anything similar you need to format the text to JSFormat not anything else cuz it will **** up the correlation in the text, if you manged to do all this then the editing comes in play witch is even more harder

finding the right stuff like SkillAthletics, SaveWill, Constitution etc. there editing the right stuff like "m_BaseValue": xx, to "m_BaseValue": 18, and then "PermanentValue": xx, to "PermanentValue": 20 etc you get the point (always make a copy of your save file), money its easy to find just open player.json and search for "Money": then edit the amount to what you want its easy to modify and find even with cheatengine its 4 bytes, after you edit just ZIP format and original file name (keep the zks extension) and its as simple as that
