You don't even need a trainer for this game, my dudes. Prison Architect from version 2+ has built-in dev menu you can use for cheating.
- Create a new prison. You'll see some world generation options.
- Tick "Unlimited Funds"
- Tick "Enable tools and cheats"
- Click "Mutators" for additional options, such as increased health for guards and no-clipping guards.
- NOTE: If you enable the unlimited funds cheats, your funds in the game will still go down - but that doesn't matter, it's still unlimited.
- NOTE 2: Also if you enable unlimited funds, you must disable the "Failure Conditions" option when generating the world. Because going too deeply into the red funds-wise is a failure condition.
Turning on the "Enable tools and cheats" option will turn on Dev Mode in your prison world, allowing you to use the F-keys for extra functions.
- F1 key opens the map settings and map cheat options menu.
- F2 opens the profiler.
- F3 is the script debugger.
- F4 is a dialogue editor.
- F5 is a sound editor.
- F6 to F8 are sprite banks.
- F9 is an additional cheat menu, the most helpful one. Here you can alter how many funds you have, set whether buildings auto-build, turn off the need for electricity, see all smuggled or stolen contraband in the prison and so on.
- F11 expands the size of the map in all directions. May lag while the new dimensions are loading. Use a maximum of 3 or 4 times, maps that are too big will crash your game.
- Instant/quicker research: Once you've placed a Warden in an office, go to the research menu and hold the right mouse button over the research options to instantly unlock them.
- On the middle-right of your in-game toolbar is a Dev's "Spawn" menu. Use it to place stuff instantly.
- You can hire staff when you have a negative cashflow. A negative cashflow will usually prevent you hiring new staff without dev mode on.
So, yeah, you don't need a trainer. There's a dev menu in the game, which is pretty much a trainer in itself.
You're welcome, people.