Title: Railway Empire
Trainer Name: Railway Empire V1.15 Trainer +2 MrAntiFun
Platform: Windows PC
Version: .1.5.0
Features Not Working: F1 says: "Inf.Health", but is gives 100.000.000 money ("Inf.Money"), F2 says: "Mega Money", which gives 99.999 "research points".
Please add "+10.000 people to a city"
In the game some missions require a certain population (e.g 80.000 people in a city), and it is sometimes hard to achieve.
Trainer Name: Railway Empire V1.15 Trainer +2 MrAntiFun
Platform: Windows PC
Version: .1.5.0
Features Not Working: F1 says: "Inf.Health", but is gives 100.000.000 money ("Inf.Money"), F2 says: "Mega Money", which gives 99.999 "research points".
Please add "+10.000 people to a city"
In the game some missions require a certain population (e.g 80.000 people in a city), and it is sometimes hard to achieve.