You do realize the person in question was reporting an ACTUAL ISSUE the trainer has right? Something that NEEDS to be fixed? This idiotic mentality of "It's free so you can't complain" is bullshit and should die as fast as possible. In other news...
DOES NOT WORK FOR ME! All i get is a "failed to download" everytime. I don't know what this wemod is but it doesn't seem to be working correctly, no matter what i do i always get failed to download. Just go back to using CE, something that actually DOES work. Why was this needed in the first place?
Antifun announced a while back that his time would be extremely limited after doing trainers for years, I think the purpose of the wemod is to combine all the trainers into one so he didn't have to source every trainer.
With that being said he first line of trainers required online activation to use them, the second line of trainers was great and could use them with my pc that had no internet.
But this wemod trainer is a joke. it has built in spyware to collect data," confirmed by wemod website" before people start talking out of their ass. required you to update and download the trainer files have an active internet connect and forced you to install the program.
free our not broken is broken, it runs and installed fine for me but doesn't read over half my game tittle lists.
I def will not be using the program.