way to ruin your trainer buisness. bye.
wow. how dumb can you be!? read the damn Notice that is right above the download link you muppet! that *way to tuin buisness* is a settup for the trainer. and if you can't understand that i will say it like this. get WeMod (wich is free if you'r to dumb to understand) and install it. THEN start the Setup.exe and VOILA you can use the trainer.
AND just to make sure you understand, MrAntifun has entered an agreement and joined forces with WeMod (formerly known as Infinity) for the sake of easier destribution of trainers and etc, and WeMod is TOTTALY free, you only have to pay in it for the Pro version wich makes it possible to activate cheats remotely via theyr Phone app and to activate them manually via the PC program itself. you don't have to pay anything at all to use trainers there. just use the Hotkeys that they have chosen OR you can change wich cheats are activated with either singlekey activation or multikey activation. wich means you can combine two or more Key's to activate wanted cheats. for multikey activation just hold the first key of choice and then whilst holding that just press the other wanted key. i am also writing this LONG Quoted Comment not only for quoted user but also for those haveing problems with WeMod OR don't trust it. if anyone else need help with the app just send me a notice or email. i'll help if and wheni can.
AND BTW! THANK you mrantifun for making this and other awesome trainers. makes it more fun to play games if you can be godlike in them. at least after completing said game