Platform: STEAM -
Price - Until 23rd March £26.99 ($38.19) - £29.99 ($42.44) after.
Infinite shield/health.
Instant ability cooldown.
Infinite Match points.
Instant crew skills.
Add renown.
Just to clarify the match points one, each ship costs a certain amount of point to use in a battle. So either have each ship cost no points to use or keep the ship cost the same and increase the available points by a few thousand.
Price - Until 23rd March £26.99 ($38.19) - £29.99 ($42.44) after.
Infinite shield/health.
Instant ability cooldown.
Infinite Match points.
Instant crew skills.
Add renown.
Just to clarify the match points one, each ship costs a certain amount of point to use in a battle. So either have each ship cost no points to use or keep the ship cost the same and increase the available points by a few thousand.