I have an update for the game. If you want gold or if you want exp you can edit a file in CrossCode/assets/data/enemies - hedgehog.json you go and open it with notepad or something and then edit the monsters exp and gold drop like this:
{"level":4,"params":{"hp":286,"attack":30,"defense":31,"focus":26,"statusInflict":[1.25,1.25,1.25,1.25],"statusEffect":[1.5,1,1.5,1]},"credit":999999,"exp":30 - change the values to desired value.
Warrning: at credit drop don't put too much or else it will give you 0 or may cause game crash for both exp and credits.. only tested and working up to 1 mil credits or around that and for exp you can put 9 million exp if the monster lvl is put or is on 4 if it is put on lvl 99 it will drastically incrise the lvling of your character to an overpowering state.
That is all and have fun with editing and the game.