After tweaking around in the game, i managed to get Instant Shop Refresh.
Like any other unity games, they have their assembly files unlocked.
Anywho, i only tested it on the pirated game, so i'm not sure if it'll work on retail version or steam version.
Just hack yourself a huge amount of Materials, and you can virtually buy yourself 50 hamburgers, and loadouts for your entire team.
https://mega.nz/#!7JBXxaQQ!GasuN74_o60VuN4IWFkoP5IV8Z0nn3TcGKnq5uHJHyc (For Dead Age 1.0)
for installation, just go to your Dead Age's folder and into \DeadAge_Data\Managed\ and look for Assembly-CSharp.dll , change it to something like BackUpAssembly-CSharp.dll ; Take the downloaded DLL and rename it to Assembly-CSharp.dll and copy it to the said folder.
You should be able to shop refresh instantly.
Now, save editing can be a bit weird. I found mine in USERDATA\AppData\LocalLow\SilentDreams\Deadage\Save#.xml and its very straight forward.
Damage Modification
Look for any weapon, look for <minDamage> and <maxDamage> and change them accordingly (5000-5000 for example)
Infinite Ammo
ShrotMun for shotguns, and PistolMun for Pistols. search for them and edit accordingly
Creating Items
XML editing is super easy, just follow how an object is created in the inventory and make your own items!
Otherwise you can just use cheat engine to hack numbers and whatnot.