Title: [REQ] DeadCells
Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/588650/Dead_Cells/
Price: 14.44$
Features: God Mode principaly / Money / Cellules
I write you today, for asking a new trainer for a roguelike / metroidvania / castlevania DeadCells with a big potentiel.
PS : Thanks you for your jobs, with i can play a lot game. I have only hand and it's very difficult.
Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/588650/Dead_Cells/
Price: 14.44$
Features: God Mode principaly / Money / Cellules
I write you today, for asking a new trainer for a roguelike / metroidvania / castlevania DeadCells with a big potentiel.
PS : Thanks you for your jobs, with i can play a lot game. I have only hand and it's very difficult.