chunkychew. I finally get it to work. So i'll sum up the steps needed to follow so it's easier to proceed.
1/ Initiate battle
2/ Scan for HP or MP to get the address
3/ Scan for initial value unknown, then finish the battle
4/ Scan for increased value by (out in whatever exp you gain after the battle) and you will get a lot of address. Now look for the address that is similar to the HP or MP address you got at step 2 and change it to whatever you want, just max out so you will get to level 30 (this time you will also unlock skills).
Ex: my HP address is 050894E8, so i'll look for address that is the most similar to it which is 050894F8. Add it to the address list and change the value.
Now if you want to make an invincible character, continue to step 5
5/ Scan for the new HP or MP address
6/ Once you got the new address, right lick and choose browse memory region.
7/ At the Hex table address, look for you level. Since you will not see the number 30 (max level), right click the double digits that is the fourth from the right side.
ex If my HP/MP address is 050994D8, the row will look like this
050994D8 E2 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B6 DE D7 A0 3E EE 00 88
For HP address, the fourth from the right side will be 3E, go up a row and right click the digit directly above 3E, choose edit and you will see 30 and 1 byte, if MP address is used, the eighth from the right side will be B6, same as for HP address, go up a row and right click the digit directly above B6. And as suggested by
chunkychew, change it in to 999 or whatever you want, to so do you will have to change 1 bytes into 4 bytes first, only then can you change 30 into something bigger. That's it, you are done.
You will see your level have changed, but not your stats. Just equip or unequip something and the stats will change. These steps will work for your companions just the same.