Trainer Search


Master Donor
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
--Temporary Long Explanation / Assistance Request from Veterans--

Hmm, it appears that the repository is... empty! How could that be!?

Well, to put it as bluntly as I can possibly manage, I myself have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of coding or creating trainers.
Oye! Don't you dare even glance at the fire exit just yet! If you so much as turn your head in that direction I'll throw my hot mug of Java at you!

As a complete rookie, I'd like to represent all of us who are eager to learn trainer creation by asking the veterans, or anyone with substantial knowledge for that matter, to leave a comment on this thread with links and references to tutorials, websites and other useful material that can help rookie and budding coders alike to begin our journey, or further it.

So yes, this article is indeed empty as of its birth. However, I have no doubts that with a community such as ours that we'll be overwhelmed with floods of information to sink our teeth/fangs/claws/tentacles into! Sorry, too much?

Basically, with the not-so-funny jokes put to one side, I and countless others in similar positions would very much appreciate it if those of you who know how to create trainers could leave a comment providing useful links that'll help everyone to learn our trade.

I'll update this initial post with the links you vets have at your disposal, and I'll try to categorize as best as I can.
Please keep in mind that, as I've said, I'm a complete rookie myself and although I'll read through everything that's linked, my lack of understand might ultimately lead to potentially listing something under a wrong category.

So, to those of you who would like to contribute some links of tutorials, info, etc. I'd like to ask that you state what kind of learning level your links are considered to be at before/above the link itself.
Please see the categories underneath 'The Repository' further down to form an opinion of what kind of learning grade you think your links are at.

Thank you all in advance for your contributions, and I hope that we all benefit from this repository should it become worthy of such a description.

Long essay over, let the teaching and learning begin!

I'll return every couple of days to update this post with new links, so if I seem to have slipped into a crevice somewhere, send me a message on here and I'll be notified via e-mail (which I check multiple times every day, without fail).

--End of Temporary Long Explanation / Assistance Request from Veterans--

Introduction/Intended Use

Hello and welcome to a (future) repository of tutorials, information and materials that can guide those of us who'd like to learn how to create trainers in the right direction.

As someone who has absolutely no knowledge of coding or how creating trainers works, the one main reason for my not bothering to learn about it so far has been the fact that educational information and resources seem to be a bit scattered at first glance. Yes, there are plenty of decent tutorials and excellent guides on the Internet all over the place, but they're literally all over the place and, at least to me, it all seems a little bit unorganized with specific material being very difficult to find as and when I need it.

The purpose of this repository, once it has become more established, is to provide a clear list of links to guides, tutorials and helpful other resources of all levels of understanding about trainer creation with which we can all benefit from in one location. From absolute beginner and all the way to intermediate and advanced, I'm hoping we can pool our information together and create a long list of educational materials that everyone can learn from (except MAF, since he's obviously our God here and he doth not need to learn nowt! *wink and grin*).

The Repository

All links will be categorized based on their difficulty grade. Contributors, please refer to these categories when providing your links and assign them to those which best represent them.
If someone thinks that an additional category is required, please say so and suggest a name for it. Believe me, you don't want to risk having me name anything. :p

Note: the descriptions for each category will need help from people who have a decent understanding of each specific category (including those which I've probably missed and will need to add later from people suggesting them). As I've said before, I have next to no knowledge about creating trainers so if anyone can provide a good description of existing categories and/or suggest new ones, it'll help us all out in the long run. :)

Rookie 1st Degree: Absolute Beginner
"What's cheat engine, is it powered by gas or coal?"
i.e. Links for those who have never even heard of or used cheat engine in their lives. Consider this to be a hacker's equivalent to reception glass (UK) or kinder-garden. There's no shame in this, everyone has started out here at one point.

Rookie 2nd Degree: Beginner

"Mov? Eax?? Ecx??? I didn't sign up for algebra!" As a matter of fact, you did.
i.e. Links for those who have a very basic grasp on using Cheat Engine and memory editing methods. You can search for values and change them easily enough, but how exactly do you get them to stick around after coming back to it later?
Terminology, pointers,
(I consider myself to be a part of the Rookie - Beginner category, I even had to Google the 'mov eax ecx' things, believe it or not).

Rookie - 3rd Degree: Basics
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Amateur - 1st Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Amateur - 2nd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Amateur - 3rd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Intermediate - 1st Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Intermediate - 2nd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Intermediate - 3rd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Advanced - 1st Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Advanced - 2nd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description

Advanced - 3rd Degree
Insert joke headline
Insert description


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think you are looking for something specific about trainers , You should be looking into learning Assembly in general to be able to understand
instructions such as
push eax
mov eax,[ecx+4]
mov [eax],edx
pop eax

If you understand Assembly , Understand some c++ and know how to debug a program that's all you need to get started then just keep on working to get experience ,The only downside is that you have to spend a lot of time working on trainers , Some trainers take up to 15 hours to finish them .


Master Donor
May 9, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks MAF, that gives me a good idea where to start. Any chance that you might know of some online resources that could give newbies like myself an idea of the basics? I don't mean anything that's as detailed as what we'd find in a proper class though lol, though if there are websites with that kind of quality then I won't complain. :p


Staff member
Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks MAF, that gives me a good idea where to start. Any chance that you might know of some online resources that could give newbies like myself an idea of the basics? I don't mean anything that's as detailed as what we'd find in a proper class though lol, though if there are websites with that kind of quality then I won't complain. :p
Well you have options, Either go to a class somewhere or get a book , I also think some people give classes online but it is paid not something i tried but you should look into these options .