For me, I just use the Ver 2.1.3 together with Cheat Engine …….
Currently only the F12 works ( which enable one to build building straight away on their planet tile )
Then if you really wan resources, just use cheat engine search the number with 3 extra Zero behind ….
E.g I got 100 resource . I search between 100000 to 100999. let it increase . Search the new number , 109000 to 109999.
Wallah , the rest dun need to teach since its standard and you get the idea ...
Dun complain : omg this takes too long n that …. if you can wait so long, be patient ... there are a lot of games for him to help out

Since we can wait that long, it doesn't hurt to do the above for a couple of mins ( there are multi tabs and u can do multi searches at same time so y not ) and get it running hehehe
Quick hint : the Energy, Min and food are 1 row next to each other , find one , browse the memory and modify the next 2 rows of same spot … wallah , 1 shot 3 resource done . Same for 2mil research resources