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tal onzy

May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Forbes is a hmm Money Magazine based in the USA (so i get a good laugh at this list )

15. Mario Party 10

Provided by Forbes Mario Party 10 (Credit: Nintendo)
While the Mario Party franchise has had its hits and its misses over the years, the Wii U really needed it to be great. Instead, we got a party game that fell flat almost immediately. After a few games, there wasn’t much content left that didn’t feel repetitive. The inclusion of amiibos did nothing to boost the experience. Compared to other offerings from Nintendo this year—like the wonderful Super Mario MakerMario Party 10 simply paled. There aren’t a ton of other party-style games coming out right now, but Mario Maker is a more enjoyable game with friends, even if you have to take turns.

14. Evolve / Asymmetrical Shooters

Provided by Forbes Evolve (Credit 2K Games)
With the failure of Evolve came a realization: The dream of a truly good, imbalanced/asymmetrical competitive shooter remains elusive. The monster vs. hunters set-up of Evolve isn’t entirely unique—other games have made similar attempts—but its execution was what really sunk the game. Sparse on content with pretty lackluster shooting mechanics and monster mechanics betrayed what was, on its face at least, a pretty neat concept. There are plenty of other shooters that deliver more fun and competition to choose from.

13. Halo 5: Guardians

Provided by Forbes Halo 5 (Credit Microsoft)
While the online multiplayer in Halo 5 is a lot of fun, with new content like Forge Mode coming out post-release, the campaign was a mess. I liked it alright the first go-round, but when I tried to do a second playthrough I couldn’t do it. Uninteresting level design and enemies, combined with a really bad forced co-op mechanic aren’t even the worst part. The incoherent story and frankly off-putting twist are enough to make me want to forget the solo portion of the game ever happened. Just stick with the multiplayer.

12. Destiny: The Taken King / Sparrow Racing

Provided by Forbes Destiny (Credit: Activision)
While The Taken King did make some good changes and helped streamline the Destiny experience, and while I enjoyed the new story content, after a few weeks with the expansion I found myself losing interest, even more satisfied with the nature of progression and loot-grinding than I was before. In some ways it was too much of an overhaul. But I think the other problem is that it was the last piece of actual DLC for Destiny, and what we’ve been left with is micro-transactions and fairly dull Sparrow racing. What the game really needed was a second “2.0″ expansion to make The Taken King more meaningful. Instead, the game was totally transformed, all our old, good gear became meaningless, and then nothing.

11. TellTale’s ‘Game of Thrones’

Provided by Forbes Game of Thrones (Credit: TellTale Games)
While I enjoyed the opening segment of TellTale’s episodic Game of Thrones story, I quickly grew tired of the game. It neither looks nor plays as good as some of TellTale’s other interactive movie-games. The choices are often false. Death-and-repeat QTEs are far too common. And the story feels subpar given the source material its spinning off-of. Play Tales from the Borderlands instead.

10. Need for Speed

Provided by Forbes Need for Speed (Credit: EA)
Always-online, a short campaign, at-times ridiculous rubberbanding AI, too few customization options, and the list goes on and on. Need for Speed is in need of much more than fast cars. The series needs an overhaul of epic proportions. Sure, the game looked terrific, but it never plays as good as it looks and I’d rather have the opposite problem. Play the new Forza if you want to race.

9. Trine 3

Provided by Forbes Trine 3 (Frozenbyte)
The gorgeous, humorous co-op puzzle series looks better than ever with Trine 3, but the now-in-3D game felt rushed together and incomplete. While you can see how it wanted to evolve into something bigger and more robust than its predecessors, I’d recommend just sticking with Trine 2, which is a fantastic game.

8. Sword Coast Legends

Provided by Forbes Sword Coast Legends (Publisher: Digital Extremes)
The promise of Sword Coast Legends is a little bit like the promise of Evolve: asymmetric gameplay. It’s also the promise of taking pen-and-paper style roleplaying and merging it with an online video game. The best of both worlds. Instead, Sword Coast Legends gets old pretty fast. The graphics aren’t nearly where they should be, and the combat is tedious. The “best of both worlds” concept is quickly shattered, and we’re reminded that playing a video game is fun and playing a tabletop RPG is fun, but you can’t combine the two. At least not yet. Play D&D with your friends, and if you want a cRPG just play Divinity: Original Sin—the “enhanced edition” is awesome.

7. Tony Hawk 5

Provided by Forbes Tony Hawk 5 (Credit: Activision)
We knew this would be bad before it actually launched, but I at least held out some hope that it wouldn’t be that bad. After all, Tony Hawk was one of my favorite game franchises way back in the day. Unfortunately, the game was a total disaster, and while I still had some fun grinding and doing tricks, I quickly gave up thanks to buggy maps and an always-online experience. If I wanted to skate with a bunch of strangers I’d go down to the skate park. Do that instead of playing Tony Hawk 5.

6. Batman: Arkham Knight (mostly the PC version)

Provided by Forbes Batman Arkham Knight (Credit: WBIE)
Batman: Arkham Knight was a total disaster on PC—so much so that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment halted its sales and later offered refunds. What a disappointing way to wrap up the trilogy. Perhaps even more disappointing was just how predictable the story ended up being. Gameplay was pretty good, but it too often felt like a game sacrificing quality for quantity—a problem that feels like a trend in 2015. Worse still was the reliance on the Batmobile, which should have been a lot more fun or a lot less frequent. A decent Batman game, I’d still rather play Shadow of Mordor.

5. Fallout 4

Provided by Forbes Fallout 4 (Credit: Bethesda)
Fallout 4 is a tremendous game, and there’s tons of things it does right. But one can’t help but shake the feeling that it could have been so much more. A better game, with a better story, with a game engine and graphics that were cleaner and more modern and a better UI. No matter how much the game does right, it always comes back with some irritation or bug to remind you of its flaws. Maybe this shouldn’t be a major disappointment. After all, whatever complaints we have about the game are ones we’ve had about Bethesda games for a long time. Still, I think high hopes are inevitable with this series, and it’s too bad Fallout 4 wasn’t a bit more compelling and polished at launch.

4. The Order: 1886

Provided by Forbes The Order 1886 (Credit: Sony)
What was at first one of the coolest-looking games for the PS4 when Sony announced the system turned out to be nothing short of a gorgeous mess at release. The single-player only game barely managed six hours of gameplay and cinematics, and while the cinematics sure were pretty, the gameplay was a catastrophe. Quick-time-events mixed with fairly drab shooting and two of the most insipid boss fights of all time (which were also almost identical to one another) make The Order: 1886 easily one of the worst AAA games of this console generation.

3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Provided by Forbes The Witcher 3 (Credit: CDP RED)
Yes, I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can’t help how I feel. The Witcher 3 is gorgeous. It’s an imaginative and well-realized open-world. Some of the quests—most notably the Bloody Baron segment—are truly groundbreaking. But the combat overhaul I was so excited about turned out to be the tiniest of changes from the previous game. The graphics were nowhere near as impressive as Assassin’s Of Kings—at least comparatively—and were a huge letdown on PC, where the previous game shined so bright. Meanwhile, the open-world diluted the story and, once again, felt like a trade-off between quantity and quality, with the former winning out. I still loved much of The Witcher 3, but my love of the game was greatly hindered throughout by wonky controls and tedium. And my disappointment so high simply because my expectations were.

2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Provided by Forbes Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Credit: Konami)
More than anything, The Phantom Pain simply never felt much like a Metal Gear game to me. While there are some really terrific missions and the graphics are stellar, there’s really no reason why this game was open-world, or why so much of the focus was geared toward online and base-related content. Add to this the fact that Snake, now voiced by Keifer Sutherland instead of longtime voice actor David Hayter, barely spoke five words the entire game, and you’ve got yourself a major disappointment. The incomplete story didn’t help matters, either, though ultimately all of this would have mattered less if it simply felt more like a Metal Gear game.

1. Star Wars: Battlefront

I still enjoy logging in and playing Star Wars: Battlefront from time to time, but there’s so much missed potential in this game it’s not even funny. Here we have the single most impressive-looking (and sounding) Star Wars game ever made, but it still manages to get old really quickly. The lack of a single-player campaign certainly doesn’t help matters, but the weird Star Card system and various odd design decisions are what really hurt Battlefront most. If DICE had simply made a Star Wars game with traditional Battlefield mechanics, I think we’d all be having a lot more fun. Innovation, it turns out, is not always a good thing.

And that’s all, folks. I may have missed something, of course. Feel free to chime in with other suggestions or to tell me how wrong I am about game X, Y or Z in the comments.


Rob Storm

Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah... this list is interesting to say the least. Call me old-fashioned, but getting a "disappointing" gaming list from Forbes is like getting a "bad" dining guide from McDonalds. Still it can be healthy to glance at other media in terms of what their perception is. As a gamer for the past 35 years, starting with the Atari 2600, I would like to throw some opinions in the mix.

Evolve- A lot of people that I know who disliked this game wasn't because of balance between hunters and monsters. They were disgruntled because of the "game built from the ground up for DLC" model. They felt like things were being held back that could have made it better at launch. A lot of folks really soured on that early and it lingered even when they enjoyed the game.

Fallout 4- I have played this myself and loved it. However, the whole issue of what were perceived to be inadequate graphics from the literal launch of the trailer were an issue to many. That, along with the massive hype train that steamrolled its release, set a lot of unrealized expectations in my gamer friends. If that is the fault of the game or the gamers I will leave to your judgement. I do have to admit that while I didn't find the graphics horrid, there were times they often didn't mesh well together. Such as when characters were shown in conversations and such.

Witcher 3/ MGS 5- I literally do not know anyone who would call these games disappointing. On the contrary, compatriots of mine often say these titles are groundbreaking. I am not here to argue if they are or not. What I can attest to is the rabid love and satisfaction people I know have had for these titles.

Just a few things I thought I would throw in. Thank you for posting the list.

tal onzy

May 21, 2014
Reaction score
well i will say this bethesda games have never been about the best graphics partly -maybe because they can sell the game to more people if they keep the system requirements down there are many ways to fix fallout 4 graphics to your tastes on the internet .the hype is built in the pc ___ community as they salivate to get their hands on a bethesda game so they can change it into anything their imaginations dream up or humanly possible game wise

well combat is the biggest witcher 3 complaint but to me witcher 3 is about the story and not the combat and allso same reason to the graphics as in system requirements as i stated in fallout 4

mgs5 i never played so no comment

and i posted this article for the exact reasons you said you liked it

and i am not sure if my first system was atari 2600 or colleco vision and by the way colleco vision might return with a new cartridge machine after years of hibernation
Last edited:

Rob Storm

Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah the mod community for the Bethesda games is insane! I've seen people who bought Skyrim that crawls on their PC just to mod it :)


New Member
Oct 1, 2014
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Yeah, its a pretty good synopsis apart from the Witcher. I thought it was a pretty good game, plus i got it free with my 970. It needs unvivided love though, i wouldn't have felt the same playing this title if i had 2 or3 others on the go.

Some games on the list i haven't played but
Battlefront was like quake, i rue the day i paid for it. Never again Ea.
Sword coast legends i wanted to be good. I was a big modder in the nwn1&2 scene and did a few instances in da:eek: for download. I was a big fan of the aurora toolset and the eclipse later. Legends make you wish Bioware still existed and the tools didn't suck so much.

Fallout 4 just bored me after a while, albiet this is due a little to the console commands and being a big fat cheater. Some of the story arcs were uninspiring and it just looks bland and tedious. Companions are just annoying. I did think witcher was a better open world game and that maybe has skewed my favour of Fallout.

They are the only ones i've played to any extent on the list and the truth is it was my own dissonance that said 'yeah people just hate battlefront, just buy it... it'll be cool' the same with Sc/ Legends.
So the best game i got this year is the one i got for free, witcher 3.... Lol ?

Rob Storm

Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I miss the Bioware games so much. I remember playing the first Baldurs Gate game over and over again. Everything they touched pretty much turned to gold, in my humble opinion.

tal onzy

May 21, 2014
Reaction score
I miss the Bioware games so much. I remember playing the first Baldurs Gate game over and over again. Everything they touched pretty much turned to gold, in my humble opinion.

baldurs gate #1 was good except for the fact it was on 5-6 cds that you had to keep switching in and out of your cd rom constantly /well if you played like i did

Rob Storm

Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah I remember the days of switching lots of CDs. Still, it used to be way worse than that. I was running off MSDOS, a floppy disk drive and no CD-ROM until like 1995-96. The last game I played before the CD format was some Sierra game. I forget what it was. Anyway, that had 13 disks to it! Needless to say the march of improving technology has been something I enjoy! :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2014
Reaction score
who's the confused idiot that worte this listo_O
yeah it's a forbes guy, but come on!! how can you say some these games (witcher 3, fallout 4, MGS5) suck\disappointment? lame...


Honorary Member
Master Donor
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
who's the confused idiot that worte this listo_O
yeah it's a forbes guy, but come on!! how can you say some these games (witcher 3, fallout 4, MGS5) suck\disappointment? lame...
PC gamers I believe wrote this, but you need to see why those games are disappointed