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Apr 20, 2014
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II (Steam) 2-20-25 Trainer +62

  1. Unlimited HP
  2. Unlimited EP
  3. Unlimited CP
  4. Unlimited Charge Attacks
  5. Quick Arts Instant Cooldown
  6. Unlimited S-Boosts
  7. Instant Action/Zero Delay
  8. Max Move Range
  9. 100% Hit Chance
  10. 100% Evade Chance
  11. 100% Critical Chance
  12. Stealth Mode
  13. 100% Drop Rate
  14. Edit Mira
  15. Edit S-Token
  16. Edit Sepith (Earth)
  17. Edit Sepith (Water)
  18. Edit Sepith (Fire)
  19. Edit Sepith (Wind)
  20. Edit Sepith (Time)
  21. Edit Sepith (Space)
  22. Edit Sepith (Mirage)
  23. Edit Sepith Mass
  24. Sepith Multiplier
  25. Items Don't Decrease
  26. Edit U-Material & U-Material+
  27. Edit Onyx Steel
  28. Edit Marduk Points
  29. Obtain All Potions
  30. Obtain All Droplets
  31. Obtain All Foods
  32. Obtain All Main Weapons
  33. Obtain All Sub Weapons
  34. Obtain All Body Armors
  35. Obtain All Foot Armors
  36. Obtain All Accessories
  37. Obtain All Quartzes
  38. Obtain All Food Ingredients
  39. Obtain All Fish Baits
  40. Obtain All Analysis Support Items
  41. Obtain All Skill Stones
  42. Obtain All Recipes
  43. Obtain All Gifts
  44. Unlimited Exp
  45. Exp Multiplier
  46. Unlimited Hollow Core Exp
  47. Hollow Core Exp Multiplier
  48. Unlock All S-Skills
  49. Max Connect Level
  50. Max Gourmet Points
  51. Max SP/ARKRIDE Solutions Office Rank
  52. Max Law Alignment
  53. Max Gray Alignment
  54. Max Chaos Alignment
  55. One Hit Stun
  56. Super Damage/One-Hit Kills
  57. Easy Fishing
  58. Unlimited Activity Points
  59. Connect Points Won't Decrease
  60. Freeze ******* Timer
  61. Easy Complete Achievements
  62. Set Game Speed


  • WeMod The Legend of Heroes Trails through Daybreak II (Steam) Setup.exe
    141.3 KB · Views: 26