Title: The Legend of Hero's Trails of Cold Steel 1
Trainer Name: The only one you have available
Platform: Steam
Version: Latest is 1.6 PC
Features Not Working: Just letting you know that since the 1.6 patch the trainer is no longer working correctly. Mega hits still get through the Inf Health which locks up the game. Also CP is no longer working. You then need to ALT-F4 out and start the game again from a save.
Trainer Name: The only one you have available
Platform: Steam
Version: Latest is 1.6 PC
Features Not Working: Just letting you know that since the 1.6 patch the trainer is no longer working correctly. Mega hits still get through the Inf Health which locks up the game. Also CP is no longer working. You then need to ALT-F4 out and start the game again from a save.
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