Greatings ppl i wuld like you to nou that i found out the cheat for settlers 1 that will make you have all resurses to >1000

Here is the link
Die Siedler 1: Der Cheat und alle Level-Codes. Damit heißt es: Sie haben einen Sieg errungen!
Be shore to get aniy caind of hex editor to get it work i am using hex editor Neo

Ok i will exsplane here what the page sey even if you can translate it

Here is instruction

1.Start any lvl you are on and save the game to file save00 and they sugest save01 and run it in hex editor
2.Go in to hex editor and open magnifying glass icon in hex editor when you hover on it it sey faind.
3.Select hex and next to it sey BYTE(Dont tuch this)
4.Nau put in the numbers 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 and select faind.
5.(000109d0)Luck at the last numbers at the end of the line where it sey (01000100)
Nau under it there are 4 section that you need to fill in with 20hex number
6.(00010a10) is the last one in that one onliy 2x 20hex code need to be puted in for exampol 93 20 93 20
abowe it is(000109d0) se one under it wich is(000109e0)
7.When you se numbers dont replace it onliy go with all one that have 00(just like the one i seyed abowe)
And nau you need to feal that in a line like this.
(dont do 1>2>3> ic onliy min the numbers from 000109d0 to 000109e0 to 00010a10)
so like i seyed abowe ignore the numbers onliy luck for 00 and replace it with 20 hex codes all 1>2>3> to the end.
The 4> wich was (00010a10)-(93 20 93 20) need onliy fearst 4 starting number and then onliy need 2x 20hex number as i seyed here all others 1>2>3> need to be from begining until the end of the line but onliy 00 not numbers

Ok last note...
I found out that you cant do hex things during game in progres like you builded something and some resurses are not >1000 and that min that you forgot to put in with 00 and you want to turn it on and you go to hex editor do thiseym thing bla bla bla...and what you se is that the numbers are not in thiseym pleace wich min you need to start fresh game for hex numbers to work properliy

After this is done this thing canges

1.All recurses are >1000 more precisely even 8224 pieces in stock.
2.The soldjers strenght upgrade to max like this
It sey you can conquere the entire castle with this but i am not shore about it

So far i found out i die normaly as normaliy it is if i found something i will update this

You no longer have to worry about the raw materials, but you can immediately expand your country. And through all the gold, the knights are so attacking that you can even conquer an enemy castle with the crew of a single guardhouse.
By the way: If you do not use a space character (20 hex), but dollar sign $ (24 hex), you even have
Good luck