There's no workaround for the F9 "Infinite Money" option.
I've tried enabling it, even setting the money to a high limit (say 99999), but the option wasn't activating at all (ran the trainer as admin too).
And the "manual" gold option is time consuming and not worth doing overall, since vendors ingame have a finite sum of gold available, so they can't buy too much stuff from you.
What I did was:
- activate F12 Easy Crafting
- talk to the crafter, 20x craft the most expensive material in his list
- disable F12 Easy Crafting
- talk to the crafter again, sell some of the expensive materials until his "budget" runs out
- find another crafter/vendor
Armorers have higher budgets, while potion/food vendors have way way lower. Hiking "vendors" have a medium budget.
- F9 option doesnt work, I've tried it 20 times
- Set Money doesn't work, even with a low number
- money workaround worked, but it's time consuming to find vendors
P.S. I would love that "storage" option