Current trainer function that is not working is Better Stealth, everything else still works for the latest game build. better stealth has only stopped working because the game has had a balance change that affected the old detection system.
and for those who still dont like the walk/drive speed, this can be edited using freeware software like Cheat Engine, it is a simple search that can be done in mere minutes, if u need help on learning how to change the values or how to find specifik values, there are several tutorials on the cheat engine forums.
with that being said, should Mr.Antifun decide to update the trainer, i too would suggest that adding the option for speed would be a great addition to the trainer. also i might add that a unlimited weight option would also be very useful, but this too is doable using cheat engine.
as always, thank you for your time and work Mr.Antifun +1