Deactivate the trainer before ending the turn, reactivate it as your turn starts. Since f1 opens a web page change the first hotkey to a key the game doesn't use
Doesn't really make sense cause if I deactivate it before end and start it again at the last second before my Turn begins again makes the trainer mostly useless... not complete but the 1 turn Construction, Research, and recruiting. A Real Trainer from MRANTIFUN for 2.4.0 build19534.1439615*
@MrAntiFun PLEAAAAASE ! If you check this out for me, you have a lifetime guarantee that I will help you in maintenance your websites and servicing in all you know in Media I am proofed as a teacher for all kinds of Media and double proofed as media technician and media designer by the Austrian economic chamber. The only thing what I cannot do is programming..... maximum HTML/CSS and JavaScript, but I am an absolute genius in graphics and Videos also special effects and stuff... worked long for Television.