This game is not early access
anymore, it was released on march 22 2016
With amount of update/patches that have followed March 22 Release It Should
still be in EA

One thing that is stupid is the red screen overload the player gets when hit
We blinded by blood
All options are still working!
So Current Trainer update is not needed as of Yet!
Only thing that I have found :
Beware of the Darn Dragons ..Player can die if dropped from really high height by this nasty fellow!

(Meaning really high drop hit can cause health to drop Zero)

Maybe only a God Mode code could stop this? [probly not]
Apart from that No other Creature in game can hurt You
Edit [05 April]
Have tested all options of V1.1465 Trainer +7 with Steam update V1.1505 [#1]
All options are still working!
Edit [08 April]
Another Steam update ? umm yay thay forgot to change version number lol

still say's V1.1505
Anyways Ive still tested all options of V1.1465 Trainer +7 with Steam update V1.1505 [#2]
All options are still working!
Edit [14 April]
Have tested all options of V1.1465 Trainer +7 with Latest Steam update V1.1520
All options are still working!
Thank You Sir!

Mr Antifun