While playing the new DLC with all cheats activated i had these issues
- When hero saved the guy from the car, i had blood all around the screen + crazy anoying sound while the cinematic where they are talking
- Trainer crash the game when cancel a mission
- Impossible to use elevator in silo, it happend the first time in the mission where the hero goes to take his RC car. (i had to disable all cheats and retry mission)
- "Disable keyboard/mouse buttons" (i got this bug when hero had to use his RC car), bored i stopped to play
I will try to find which cheat does that
Edit 1 :
- "Disable keyboard/mouse buttons" (i got this bug when hero had to use his RC car), bored i stopped to play
I have the problem without trainer too, infact i have to open inventory and select the RC car but it's impossible 
Edit 2 :
Fixed by using my xbox controler for opening the inventory
Edit 3 :
When i gained the electrochoc function for RC car i wasn't able to kill the guy with it. So when you arrive at this point, desactivate all cheats (maybe only one cheat is the cause but lazy to search for it) and reload the last save and reactivate your cheats when you killed the guy with the RC car.
Edit 4 :
Act 2 Scene 1, desactivate "fast kill" before to start the mission or Tobias will die instantly, don't reactivate it until Tobias is back to Silo