Thank you very much for this! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Good luck/God Bless to your future!New trainer added.
Thank you very much for this! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Good luck/God Bless to your future!New trainer added.
When I said to be patient, I did not refer specifically to you, I said it in general, I apologize for my English, I use the google translator. SorryTake it easy ffs. I just ask. Its my first time on this forum and just wonder if there will be further updates nothing else. Jises
Very mature reply, I appreciate you @yadira69 !When I said to be patient, I did not refer specifically to you, I said it in general, I apologize for my English, I use the google translator. Sorry
good morning
Thank you for Trainer
Maybe its just me but 1.1 trainer does not seem to work, the window has a green line around it and when i press any of the f buttons it does nothing, Any input is greatly appreciated
AC also seemed to have capped the amount of ability points at 250, as I used my 250 and now when I level, the game tells me i have a new ability point, but in reality there is non.
If there is a way to fix this, it would be appreciated.
It says I cannot download the file because it has a virus. How do I work around this, I have tried chrome and explore, but neither works as it says that it has detected a virus...
If you are on windows 10, windows defender flags the trainer as a virus, you would have to put it back.SO UPDATE: I am on an older version of AC odyssey (1.0.6) and I think that trainer was deleted... I was wondering if anyone has a copy of it I can use... thanks![]()
inf. health still works, same for ship health and inf. rower staminaafter the latest update in december the trainder does not work. when you press the cheat key it gives a beep sound and nothing happens. they found a way to stop the trainer a new update is required.
which anti virus are you using? Some AV either delete their exception folders after an update, or use even more aggressive heuristics, in any case it's a false positive, not every av programme will give an alert. (just trust that MAF knows what they are doing)