You can edit the stats of your brothers/perks points to search for 4 bytes value in cheat engine. You need to lv up your char first, search value then add lv then search again. You will get from 1 to even 4 values at the end
Moneys/Exp/Perks in Cheat Engine only with Float value. Easy

New search (open hero in inventary, check him correct value, if his have a 2312 exp from 2500 to lvlup, send in Cheat Engine 2312 (Float), you can to see 2312.43, 2312.85, 2312 - last is correct, because without ".", if 2-3 values with clear 2312 -
first 2312 change on 2313, second 2312 change on 2314 and etc, close inventary, and open again - you will see new exp on your character where you find this, and if you see not 2312, but 2314 - go in Cheat Engine and change 2314 on 500000, after battle you will have lvlup to 36 lvl (+-).
And now you have a lot perks for this character - try again this operation with number of perks.
14 perks? New search - 14 (Float), use 1 perk, next scan with 13, use again new perk, next scan with 14, and change on what you want
1-2 minutes for 1 character, but so lazy 36 times click lvlup for changing 3 options (hp, luck, attack, init, defend and etc), i not try change HP or attack, but maybe this is will work too. with infinite HP or infinite turn - it's not need, but lvlup and perks faster end the battles