Everytime I edit items in my inventory it works but as soon as I save and exit the game, they revert!
Also the edit stackable items option does not work.

Are the hex codes outdated or?
And last but not least, there is no option to input a password. I'm also not using SotFS and I'm running it through steam.
You're not supposed to edit any items in your inventory. Here's how to do it (Stackables):
First of all, if you have Infinite Items turned ON, turn it OFF. Then sit at a bonfire and open the Storage then take
1 Lifegem and put it into Storage. Then hover over the Lifegem you just put into the storage so you see the orange color around it. From there, what you want to do is go the the trainer and where it says "Current Item ID" what you want to put into the box is this 0393AE10 which is the Item ID for a Lifegem. Then for the "New Item ID" enter whatever stackable item ID you want (For example 03975790 is the code for Gold Pine Resin so if you want some of those, you would put that code into the "New Item ID" box). Then, what you want to do is go to the box for quantity and enter how many you want of that new item and click on "Edit Item". Finally, you can go back into the game and put the item from the storage back into your inventory. (If the item you just edited didn't show up, all you have to do is switch between the item category tabs and go to the page where the item that you edited in would be [if you give yourself a Titanite Chunk, you will have to go to the tab where weapon/armor upgrade items would be] and the item should now have changed into what you wanted).
Here's how to do it for Non-Stackables:
Basically, all the steps are the same for Non-Stackables as it was for the Stackable items (Including using the same boxes for the stackable items because the Non-Stackable box only let's it change for the time that you are playing and once you close the game, whatever items you changed using the Non-Stackables box will Revert to whatever item it was before). So, to permanently have those items, you do all the steps I listed above up to where you go back into the game and switch through those tabs again to get to the item that you edited. The difference will be that if you edited in some armor for example, it won't have the red bar for durability shown on it. But don't worry, as long as the item that you wanted shows up, then you are doing it right so far. Now, what you want to do at this point is close the game normally (or maybe just go to the starting screen again where you press start so you can reload your game. It should work like that. If not, just close the game and restart it.) When you go back to the Storage Box, go to the tab where the item should be (if you edited in a helmet, go to the tab where helmets would be, if you edited in leggings go to the tab where leggings would be, etc.) and you will find that the item you edited in that did not have a durability bar on it before, will now have it and can now be used in your playthrough.
Also, he removed the password thing from all his trainers so it'll be just a little easier for everyone to use instead of having to go through the trouble of typing it in every single time someone wants to use the trainer they want to use.
I hope I was able to help you here. Took a bit of time to type that all out, but I remember when I was having a lot of trouble with that part of the trainer and I'm hoping I was able to contribute to helping to make that part of the trainer easier for everyone.