Can anyone please tell me how to use fabricate claim in a month, imperial authority, land morale - navy morale / what they do? thanks
Fabricate Claim - Claim neighbouring provinces when you have like 15.00 Spynetwork in a country, you can also type the cheat: spynetwork TAG AMOUNT to get SpyNetwork in a specific country.
Imperial Authority - Currency needed to make reforms on Holy Roman Empire. Higher IA - Higher chances of countries of HRE accepting your reforms.
Land/Navy Morale - Better units, they die, but they'll fight harder, their morale won't drop. For example you're going 4k vs 4k, opponents would die, and you'd have like 3k[depending on your technology]
So what exactly does the "God Mode" cheat do? Units don't die?
God Mode - Invisible/Immortal units.
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