Mr. Antifun! First of all Thank You for the trainers. Always the place I head for trainers that actually Work.
You may possibly be the best trainer-programmer on this planet at the moment and certainly the most prolific.
I have two questions for you, if you have time:
Could you possibly add exp. points to the trainer as mentioned also by others, Thanks!! (I see that fx cheath-happens's got that in their otherwise inferior trainer)
Secondly; why is your name ''Antifun''? Is it because you are a dark genious who sit in a Castle and wish to end all fun'n games, or?
I am sincere about question too. We want to know more the person who provides us with this amazing amount of trainers. They seem to often be first on the arena and more than that: has the best quality.
In respect,
/dr. Mabuse
PS: Have used trainers back from the vic20 & C-64 days where you had to program the games yourself from a basic-manual and they diseappeared as soon as you switched off the maschine - there were not storage back then; not even floppy disks and much less harddisks ;- )