i found the cash code! its 0DE8F928 when you use cheat engine it is this code every time! i have the file if people want i have it set to 999,999,999 gold i myself cant nail down XP, TP, SP HP or MP but i am hopeful this is just a matter of time
Edit: i dont think the values stay the same every game as the values im finding while they work change every time i load up the save but they always seemingly start with "0" then a Letter usually "D" for both Cash and Xp my advice for people is to stick to Gold and to not edit the games memory with cheat engine till you get robbed by Adeon as the values are weird before hand and ive had a few Ctd's editing in the run up to being robbed at the start. also Xp has always be a Ctd before being robbed! yet afterwards when the game officially starts ive saved and then loaded up a lv 99 Rogue with no issues what so ever other then its game breakingly easy even on ironman!
so really for me i think having 999,999,999 Gold is by far the most useful cheat. for me Xp cheating has made it a tad unenjoyable yet having too much cash at my disposal has only made it less of a farm simulator lol and thats Aok.
lets face it farm sims are good when your board but never in an RPG when you just want to be the hero as what hero wants to have to grind to just get a piece of bleeding footware!