Trainer Search


Feb 13, 2015
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For those of you who use Cheat Engine as well as MAF's CE based trainers, there is a table for 2.60 that works for 2.65 (except for unlimited admins at least on my end since I only have the base game, probably works 100% if you have the expansion since this table was written for it): http://******************.com/download/file.php?id=6574&sid=ed08386dc6d8ba4f78b9d80df40c6909

Everything else other than Unlimited Admins works on the base game at patch 2.65. Load the table, start a game, use the hot keys.

Morale Points of each type can only be modified once you've gained at least 10 points per Morale type (enough to unlock at least one "skill").

Unlimited Moves works with the following caveat: You will have to disable it once you've finished moving your ships so that you can end your turn.

Quick Research enables 1 Research to be completed per turn.

For Unlimited Money, enable it, wait one or two turns to generate money, then change the value under Current Money (4 byte integer), set it to something like 670000000 (670,000 in game), it will never drop or raise after that.

Fast Construction for planet improvements works as follows: With the cheat enabled, the first improvement in the queue automatically gets set to 1 turn for completion, so queue buildings, and the top of the queue will complete at the end of each turn. Works for governors automatically building too.

There is no fast ship build because after checking and writing my own test script for it, it will also affect all other players in the match/scenario as well. In other words, you don't want pirates or civs you're at war with to pump out fleets of ships every turn.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2014
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the movement cheat only works for individual ships. meaning i have to eject each ship from the fleet every time i want to move them to were i want them to go, for the cheat to work hopefully you can fix when the next trainer comes out. other than that it's a good trainer keep up the good work


Nov 20, 2014
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Just noting that while Gal Civ 3 updated to version 2.8 today, the 2.61 trainer is still working fine - for me, at least...


New Member
May 8, 2017
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does the most current trainer work for the new version with new dlc?


Oct 28, 2014
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No. but here is a workaround to help you all out in the mean time:

In order to either write cheats or use other console commands you first have to enable the debug console by adding the –cheat launch option to GalCiv’s executable file.

Once done, open the console with the default tilde(~) key, the key can be changed in input options. If the console has opened, type help to see a full list of the commands. For information on specific commands type help .

For example: help modcredits


If you use steam, go to library and right click on the Galciv3 game, and you will see properties. After that, in the default General Tab, click on the launch options button. Here, type in “cheat” and this will be added to the process launch of galciv3.

For those that do not have steam, you will need to create a shortcut item of the Galciv3.exe, and then right click on it and go to properties. Notice the TARGET LINK, which has the direct path and name of the Galciv3.exe application. Here, append ” cheat” to the line, thus adding this option during the process launch of galciv3.exe.

Result Cheat Code
The modcredits command will modify the local player’s credits by the value provided: modcredits <amount>
The modpop command will change the population of the colony on the currently selected planet
This works for any player’s colony: modpop <amount>
The modcult command will modify the local player’s culture (ideology) points by the value provided: modcult <amount>
The colonize command will colonize the currently selected planet for the current local player: colonize <all>
The unlock command will unlock the specified tech for the local player
If no tech name is given, then all techs and culture traits will be unlocked: unlock <internal name>
A light weight unlock command that unlocks all the techs as quickly as possible
This does nothing else and takes no parameters: fastunlock
The fow command will toggle the fog of war on and off
It can also select which player’sfog of war to show based on player index<player index> – The player index of whose fog of war should be displayed :fow <player index>
Toggles whether or not resources are required for building ships
It will also grant 1000 of every type of resource: resources
Toggles the ability for the local player to control every player’s empire: god
Activates the lighting options in the main map screen: lighting
Spawns a Relic resource in a random empty location: spawnrelic
Spawns an Antimatter resource in a random empty location (around a black hole): spawnantimatter
Kills all players except for the local player Game will end: wingame
Kills the local player Game will end: losegame
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