Metro 2033 Redux & Last Light Redux, seems to crash both. No, not trainer causing this crashes (played with and without trainer, same point always crashing). It's because they who did that 'redux' have zero skills to optimize games. They created that on intel cpu's. They said at steam "..we don't have amd cpu on our computers.." , so now you realize how stup!d they are, when they released the game without testing on all cpu's. Phuck redux, i switched to original (vanilla) and have no more crashes or errors. They did update 1 and update 2 at redux, but when you make few missions, you will see it will crash at same point all the time. That redux should be called "ALPHA" mode, not final, and not shareware. Please stop accusing trainer crashed your game. Go and complain to that redux n0obs who have no skills and knowledge at games.