Does this work when in the multiplayer elements? I'm assuming not, offline mode only, but I'd just like clarification.
(Don't accept during TOS sign)
They do work in multiplayer. It's a dick move to rape someone's castle, and expect a cheater to rape yours eventually. But if you want to be super pro,. here's how you really exploit this:
1. Get to max level asap. Quests, kill captains, whatever...get to max level.
2. Use game editor to get a million silver.
3. Buy warchests til you get tons of epic(purple) captains, who will be level 60, to man your forts.
4. Use all that silver to upgrade your forts and captains' abilities.
5. Now that your forts are decent, go pillage other people's shit.
The only reason I use the cheats for the multiplayer, is not to be a dick, but gold loot chests give some really sweet level 60 gear. Once you've geared up, turn the cheats off and have some legit fun. The game is very easy once you have gear with certain stuff that has 50% chance to catch enemies on fire/poison, there are pieces that give your allies 50% more damage or damage reduction, I mean...I can go on. It takes a little grinding to get the right gear, and then pick the right skills to make you unstoppable.