No need to work hard with graphics, then again to work with image compress, losing time, etc

I think the easy way is, directly into Visual Studio, using a program called SkinSoft VisualStyler, getting free XP themes (.msstyle), and insert them into the project. A walk in park, like

As there are sooooo many XP themes at DA (DeviantArt), means more fun, and can also use different skins for every trainer. Thing is, it needs to be added with a packer like NetShrink, otherwise the theme (.dll) it's not attached into executable (kinda like injected). Themes can be also edited into SkinSoft Skin Editor, like colors, and even images.
Here are some pics;
Demonichell &
If still want to make something using photoshop, i created something, you only need to make it (the hard work). Come, light us

Here's your work to do;
Use zoom, and look for the red lines. Do not include that lines. Erase red lines. The red lines are there only to help with selection, to color/plugin selected area, or to make the buttons. Hope you're not confused, hehe.