Well, the trainer works 100% as always, but this time, even with a trainer, it seems i'm so useless, i can't play the game, it's very hard. :/ I'm at a point where i need to lead a beam to some crazy shit places, in order to break and make a path, but it's hard. I'm not going in to details because i don't want to spoil.
I beat it earlier today, under 8 hours. It is hard because sometimes the answer is so easy you miss it. The difficult areas is when you beat a section and have to go through a gauntlet and cannot save.
The best thing to do if you get stuck is look at a walk through video, that's what I did. Although I like the joy of figuring this out myself.
EDIT: Also one more thing that bothered me, I think I know the area you got stuck. I did to because I did not pick up an upgrade ("bash") before heading to that area.
It's really easy to get into areas that you are not supposed to get into early in the game. The bash move allows you to easily move the beam shots.
Thanks man, i passed the area, saw a video, it was hard but i did it, now i'm at the forest with the illusions, it's driving me crazy.