Why don't they make a good boxing/mma game for the PC or at least port these games to PC?
Basically PS and XBOX consoles: make games only for their buyers usage, they are not making PC games so that they can win "Money". Because when you want the game you need to buy a (console) so you can play, so the Game creators do this because they know that if they make a PC version of it, the "moneys" will drop dramatically for them: because if there is a PC version of it, they are 90 % the game to be c r a c k e d , and downlaoded pirately in the countryes where is allowed to do this.
So that is why they do it (to win more "money", is what they say) !
I will give you an example with the game Red Dead Redemption also,
GTA 5: 6 generation of this game played mostly on PC, and they decided to made the new one only for console, for the reason i described on top. Now when many people angrily suggested in and out their forums, that they want a version on PC so that they can buy and play it, and finaly after many complains and months the company decided to do a PC version of it.
So this is the main problem with many of the games on cosoles.