no it`s not workI just tested the trainer and it still works ... (Trainer V4.8.1.71523 and the game V4.8.3.72282).
You just have to activate the cheat options in the current mission and stop them when the mission is over.
Don't spam frequently, the trainer still works fine like few others told so, just follow instructions on first page or if you have certain problems using it then explain it briefly and not say stupid common feedback like "ppl update to v10.503 please pl" .OK, Please update to version: V4.8.1.71523
As far i know i doubt it someone here got banned, at least in this topic anyway it's fine to use as long you playing certain under radar (offline mode) .Has anyone ever got banned using this?
As far i know i doubt it someone here got banned, at least in this topic anyway it's fine to use as long you playing certain under radar (offline mode) .