Other than the dragon souls cheat not working i dont have a problem with the trainer .
For the speed cheat and no stamina problem : After you loaded your game , activate trainer (f1) than press numpad 1 (you will hear cheat disabled) then sprint a bit . After that you can safely activate the speed cheat again and after sprinting you will get a bit to fast so just press numlock to make your character walk and it will go just a bit more faster than the normal speed and use alt when you want to go really fast ...For some reason if you sprint before deactivating the speed cheat your stamina will go to 0.
Buying houses as well as building the house in Falkreath doesnt work while having the easy crafting cheat on . If you still cant buy a house after disabling the cheat , just save and restart the game and buy the house before activating any cheats again .
And for those that keep saying use modes and cheats , I use the trainer because i can still get the achievements which get disabled if you use mods and cheats but not the trainer ...