Trainer Search


Oct 23, 2014
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o_O i use drive C, not D.

It shouldn't matter. For a while I had a Trainers folder on both drives, until I merged the folders. It never overrode either exclusion.

The only reason my trainers are on Drive D is because I used to have Windows XP on this computer. So, rather than losing everything on the hard drive when I upgraded to Win10, I installed a new hard drive and set my computer to dual-boot. Note that when I boot to WinXP, my WinXP drive is C, and when I boot to Win10, my Win10 drive is C. Both Win10 and WinXP have full read/write access to both drives; it just automatically swaps the drive letters when I swap operating systems so that my programs won't be "broken" (looking on the wrong drive).

Yes, Windows 10 did that automatically. I didn't have to do anything but tell the Win10 installer that I wanted to set my computer up to dual-boot; Win10 did the rest. So you can tick that off under "something Microsoft actually did right".

No, I haven't used WinXP in nearly two years, but it's there if I need it. I found out it's a great way to get rid of viruses. Like, one time, I got a rootkit that wouldn't let Win10 boot, not even in Safe Mode. (One of those "the FBI has locked your computer until you send a prepaid cash card to this P.O. Box" scams.) Not a problem; I just booted WinXP and deleted the virus from there.
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Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
Maybe. The trainer only works with DirectX 9. (In the game, click on Options, go to the Video tab, and make sure DirectX 9 is selected.) It's possible that when you install the High Definition pack, it automatically switches to DirectX 11. I don't know if that's what it's doing, but manually switching it back to DirectX 9 allows the trainer to work. (You will have to exit back to Windows and relaunch the game.)

The trainer assumes you're using the 64-bit Windows 10 DirectX 9 version, which is VanHelsing_x64_win10.exe
but there's also a 64-bit Windows 10 DirectX 11 version, which is VanHelsing_x64_11_win10.exe
and a 64-bit Windows 8 DirectX 9 version, which is VanHelsing_x64.exe
and a 64-bit Windows 8 DirectX 11 version, which is VanHelsing_x64_11.exe
and a 32-bit Windows 10 DirectX 11 version, which is VanHelsing_x86_11_win10.exe
and a 32-bit Windows 10 DirectX 9 version, which is VanHelsing_x86_win10.exe
and a 32-bit Windows 8 DirectX 11 version, which is VanHelsing_x86_11.exe
and a 32-bit Windows 8 DirectX 9 version, which is VanHelsing_x86.exe

So, technically, you'd need 8 different trainers to cover them all. (But who's still using a 32-bit OS anyway? Or Windows 8?)
I wish MrAntiFun would at least do a second trainer for the Win10 DX11 version.

Probably doesn't work because the game itself is currently broken and Neocore is not doing so well.


Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
Probably doesn't work because the game itself is currently broken and Neocore is not doing so well.

What doesn't work? The Win10 DX11 version? Oh, it works. Because if you install the hi-res texture pack, it automatically switches to DX11. You have to manually switch back to DX9 if you want to use the trainer, though.

Or are you saying that the trainer doesn't work with the other versions because the game is broken? That's not true. The reason the trainer doesn't work with the other versions is because they have different filenames. So, six versions = six filenames. The trainer is looking specifically for "VanHelsing_x64_win10.exe", not any of the other five filenames.

As for "Neocore is not doing so well"... I'm not so sure about that. I've heard that Inquisitor - Martyr didn't do so well, but I don't have the sales figures. Inquisitor - Prophecy hit stores just 9 days ago. (Though they did have some server problems on launch which has hurt the Steam reviews.)
Remember that they're just a small company with only ~40 employees, not a big AAA that can have 100+ people working on a single title.
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Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
oh yeah...they're the ones making those warhammer 40k games with the always online DRM and the claim that they'll patch out the always online part if the servers ever have to go down. a claim that is very likely complete and utter BS. it's much more likely that they're treating those games as "live service" games and likely will just let 'em die when the money eventually dries up and servers have to get shut down.

Doubtful. If they were being treated as "live service" games, they'd probably try to monetize them the way EA has. Officially, at least, the reason for the always-online requirement is that they want to make sure that everyone (whether single player or co-op) gets the same daily quests, heroic deeds, etc.

Keep in mind that I'm not disagreeing with you. Even if they're telling the whole truth, it seems to me that for people who prefer single player and don't ever plan to play co-op (which would include me, if I actually bought either game), that the daily quests could be generated locally instead of on the dedicated server. And then, if you decided to take that character into the co-op game anyway, and still had a daily quest active, that they could just override the local daily quest and replace it with the global daily quest until you logged off.
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New Member
May 26, 2014
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First of all thank you for your hard work
Is there a chance we can get the god mode for companions to work for the constructors machines and turrets that he spawns?
And the god mode to work even when hit by some falling rock, because you die when the environment tries to kill you off.


Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Thank you, this is one of the best trainers of all time by far especially for a complex game like this with many launchers, has both all the important options (god mode, one hit kills etc) and many other customization options, kinda like aarpg editor