Trainer Search


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Nov 26, 2014
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I had to hit lvl 2 before the xp and skill point option worked for me. Just FYI


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May 20, 2015
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Hey guys I activated the exp hotkey and it work but I didn't level. It's over the limit and I'm still the same level, did I mess it up?


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Nov 17, 2014
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thanks you MrAntifun:)
I have GOG version. Money cheat doesn't work for me.:(:(

update: Oh I'm sorry, now, when I run game and trainer "as administrator", money cheat was done :p:p
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New Member
Oct 5, 2014
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Easy crafting seems to be bugged. Doesn't seem to work with bombs. It keeps telling me I already have them in my inventory but I definitely don't because I can't destroy ghoul nests. Can anyone help?


Super Donor
Aug 13, 2014
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Brilliant! Just woke up and found it has already been done!

Thanks a lot!


New Member
Jun 3, 2014
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yea I can still confirm that in my version, it money cheats(edit money and Inf. money on player and NPC) do not work, no matter what I do. Even ran both the game and trainer as Admin.
Tried buying first, exit conversation, edit money, go back into the vendor. Doesnt work.
Buying first, editing money, buying again. Doesn' work.
The only way to get money for me is to do the Easy Crafting which gives me money while its active, yet it also shows nothing in the shop to buy until I disable it and talk to the vendor again.


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Website Admin
Apr 20, 2014
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skill points not working

Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:299: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)
Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:299: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)
Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:290: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)

Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:299: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)
Will check it out .
Im lvl4 and i cant use them aswell

Numpad1 & Numpad2 = Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:290: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)
Will check it out .
thanks man and yes same problem Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:290: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value) with num 1 /2 steam version all other options work perfectly
Will check it out .
Cant download - sever cannot get data :(
Pause your antivirus .
@MrAntiFun , the Easy Crafting option is buggy as hell, doesn't matter where you activated the cheat option, it will activate a lot of treasure hunts quest, looks like the game also read you add quest item, but it isn't there, since most of the quest needed to read a note first
Will check it out .
Add Exp/Add10Skillpoints doent work sofar
Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:299: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value)
as an error message.
rest works fine on steam version
Will check it out .
try to download the trainer, but it won't load. it keep saying "The connection was reset"
Pause your antivirus
There's no workaround for the F9 "Infinite Money" option.

I've tried enabling it, even setting the money to a high limit (say 99999), but the option wasn't activating at all (ran the trainer as admin too).

And the "manual" gold option is time consuming and not worth doing overall, since vendors ingame have a finite sum of gold available, so they can't buy too much stuff from you.

What I did was:
- activate F12 Easy Crafting
- talk to the crafter, 20x craft the most expensive material in his list
- disable F12 Easy Crafting
- talk to the crafter again, sell some of the expensive materials until his "budget" runs out
- find another crafter/vendor

Armorers have higher budgets, while potion/food vendors have way way lower. Hiking "vendors" have a medium budget.

- F9 option doesnt work, I've tried it 20 times
- Set Money doesn't work, even with a low number
- money workaround worked, but it's time consuming to find vendors

P.S. I would love that "storage" option :D
Will check it out .
great trainer but also getting Error:[string "ProcssName="witcher3.exe"--end name..."]:290: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'currentvalue' (a string value) on GOG version with 1.01 update
inf. money don't work. also set money won't work
says trainer activated, ran it in admin mode on win 8

health cheat does work though

why won't the money options ?
Will check it out .
Hey guys! Download link isn't working..anyone has an alternative link or something? Thank you!

Edit: Turns out it was the antivirus even tho i never had a problem with it before..teehee :D

cant even make bombs says i already have item when i dont
Will check it out .
First off another great job MAF! I am using GOG version and everything works fine except for two options. The easy crafting as stated by another user doesnt allow you to make potions or oils. The other problem i am having is with the toxicity. when i enable it it sets my toxicity to max so i cant use potions. All the otehr options work just fine. Make sure you guys are starting game then trainer first and when starting up trainer right click it and select run as admin. Then alt+tab out and activate options.
Will check it out .
Failure creating a temporary folder
Run trainer as admin.
having the same problem as this guy sadly.
Pause your antivirus.
Do I need to kill something for the added experience to register a level up? Sitting at 3000/1000 exp at the moment.
Yes you do need to kill something , Gain 1 Exp to level up 3 levels .
yea the money cheat only seems to activate when I dismantle or craft. Buying and Selling does not trigger it for me.
Will check it out .
Easy crafting seems to be bugged. Doesn't seem to work with bombs. It keeps telling me I already have them in my inventory but I definitely don't because I can't destroy ghoul nests. Can anyone help?
Will check it out .
yea I can still confirm that in my version, it money cheats(edit money and Inf. money on player and NPC) do not work, no matter what I do. Even ran both the game and trainer as Admin.
Tried buying first, exit conversation, edit money, go back into the vendor. Doesnt work.
Buying first, editing money, buying again. Doesn' work.
The only way to get money for me is to do the Easy Crafting which gives me money while its active, yet it also shows nothing in the shop to buy until I disable it and talk to the vendor again.
Will check it out .


Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Hi there ^^ got one problem with your nice trainer, I activated the money cheat ( personnal ) and after some hours of play, I got -17494896 ( yes, in negative and no I did not spend 999999999+ in the game ^^ ) so cannot buy something to any vendor ( to reset the trainer ), and i'm stuck with negative gold amount :( hope someone got a clue :)

Got the exact same problem.
Best work around for this right now is not to use cheat at all.
Just set you money to something large 500k and i bet that will be enough for the rest of the game.
You just gotta rollback to your last save where you did not use the money cheat. ( it was 1.5h hours or something for me)


New Member
Oct 26, 2014
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yea I can still confirm that in my version, it money cheats(edit money and Inf. money on player and NPC) do not work, no matter what I do. Even ran both the game and trainer as Admin.
Tried buying first, exit conversation, edit money, go back into the vendor. Doesnt work.
Buying first, editing money, buying again. Doesn' work.
The only way to get money for me is to do the Easy Crafting which gives me money while its active, yet it also shows nothing in the shop to buy until I disable it and talk to the vendor again.

i was having the same money problems with the gog version now i just installed the 2 free dlc and now it work. that fixed for me.


New Member
Jun 3, 2014
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Also I noticed that the Item quantity editor doesn't work on arrows.


Apr 25, 2014
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Yup I own GoG version doesn't work with it for me gives me error or doesn't give me any money and sometimes crashes my game.


New Member
Jul 4, 2014
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Thank You so much for the trainer!! Could we please get an edit for Weight, like the same as the Money input to a certain weight. Thanks again


New Member
Nov 25, 2014
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I'm using GOG 1.02 and the money cheat worked fine for me? I haven't used the infinite one before, but I don't think I'll bother. I have both DLC's installed and all I did was go to a vendor, buy something cheap, leave the shop (didn't bother leaving the conversation), tabbed out and set an amount for money, went back to the game, opened the shop again and it had updated.

I have not gotten the Skill Point and XP ones to work yet, but I'm still only L1 and not sure if that will affect anything.

EDIT: They have since randomly started working.
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New Member
Jul 4, 2014
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Thanks a lot :).

I have an issue though where I download it but when I extract it to a location it automatically disappears, never had this issue before :(. Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you.


New Member
Jun 14, 2014
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using gog version,everything works fine,checked all the options :) thanks again