Please update this trainer to the latest game version !Current Trainers:
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition V1.3 Trainer +8
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition V1.4 Trainer +8
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition V1.42 Trainer +8
- Inf.Health
- Inf.Mana
- Mega Exp
- Inf.Money
- Inf.Skill Points
- Inf.Stat Points
- Fast Kill
- Instant Skill Cooldown
Make sure to start the game first then open the trainer .Well, i downloaded the newest trainer and it does not work. The game runs just normal, no crashes or something like this, but if you press F1 (the easiest way of testing this trainer) you just a hear a windows "bing" sound (the sound which windows plays if you press a invalid key) and thats it.