Can you more specific, what version you use it so mrantifun know what exactly the problem..Can someone teach me how to use this trainer? I downloaded but the trainer displays the number 1-12 instead of F1-F12 to activate? I tried pressing the numbers on the numlock but its not working ....
Check your antivirus .why i cant extrart the file?
nopeLooks very nicebut i have one question can i get bannd because i use a trainer in singleplayer?
how do you bring up the trainer while in game
Hi, Mr. Antifun! At very first, thank you very much for your trainers. Secondly i have a problem with a rome 2 trainer. I didnt have any problems until today, but in the morning i changed my system from win7 to win8.1. On win7 i had no issues, but on win8.1 i have a brutal perfomance hit. The game itself goes perfectly without the trainer but when i turn it on, the game slows down to hell, to unplayability. I have 1.13, no steam.
Could you or anyone please help me, except the advice to change back my OPsystem to win7?
Thanks in advance for the help!
Yes, tried it on xp sp3 and win7 compatibility too...The trainer itself is working, it just causing brutal performance drop. :/did you try troubleshoot compatibility on the trainer? troubleshoot it to windows 7 or windows XP SP3
Yes, tried it on xp sp3 and win7 compatibility too...The trainer itself is working, it just causing brutal performance drop. :/
Yes, of course, it kills the game even on low settings. I tried to change all graph settings to low and off, but the fps is under a snails ass. :/ Without the trainer, rome2 running for me on medium/high settings smoothly.did you try lowering game graphics to test it out?
interesting cuz I'm running on windows 8.1 as well no issues whatsoeverYes, of course, it kills the game even on low settings. I tried to change all graph settings to low and off, but the fps is under a snails ass. :/ Without the trainer, rome2 running for me on medium/high settings smoothly.