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Apr 20, 2014
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I'm not using any mods ,Downloaded 3 save games were sent to me and only had godmode cheat activated when testing and never crashed , This is just weird .

Zero Maxwell

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Sep 23, 2015
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The EXP modifier only works if you use it on the character in question and then attack successfully with it same turn. After the action or battle is completed, you should have an increase in character level equivalent to how many times you used the increased EXP. To reach level 30, you need I think around 35 clicks on that character.

Note that on agents, there is either a glitch or mechanic where on the first turn they are created, they are unable to successfully perform the actions you force them to because the game believes they do not have enough action points remaining to perform.

So far playing as Empire and Vampire Counts, no issues with CTDs or anything else. Testing Dwarfs today since I've seen a lot of players complaining about CTDs with them.
oddly enough it works if i use it at the battle results screen but nowhere else. as for the crash on godmode that some people have been having it seems more like a hardware issue then anything else.


May 3, 2014
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I think I've found a solution. Sort of... While there seems to be not a single universal reason for crashes due to god mode being turned on, I can confirm having no more crashes if it's activated in the main menu BEFORE starting/continuing a campaign.


Jul 26, 2014
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Game crashes every time one of my Mages cast a Spell while Gomode active.

Trainer works fine for me if no Magic casted.


New Member
Nov 29, 2014
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I think I've found a solution. Sort of... While there seems to be not a single universal reason for crashes due to god mode being turned on, I can confirm having no more crashes if it's activated in the main menu BEFORE starting/continuing a campaign.
Gotta try that out.

I'm not using any mods ,Downloaded 3 save games were sent to me and only had godmode cheat activated when testing and never crashed , This is just weird .
Did a few more tests on my end with my crashing chaos: activated god mode only in battle and deactivated it afterwards, 6 battles fought without a crash so far using everything i got; siege engines and magic etc.
Kinda feel pretty dumb for not trying that out in the first place, sorry for all the fuss.

Probably just add a note or something in the trainer-description. I guess this trainer gets updated quite frequently the next 2-3 months due to dlcs or whatnot imho.


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Apr 20, 2014
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Trainer updated once again with quick fix for godmode and added couple more cheats , Test it and let me know if it crashes .

Commander Rahl

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Jun 20, 2015
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Trainer updated once again with quick fix for godmode and added couple more cheats , Test it and let me know if it crashes .
Will test it out in two hours, so far though I have not seen any of the issues other users have reported so it most likely has to be a game related issue with how it is saved to their hard drive as I know that retail versions and steam online versions have slightly different main files which has caused some issues in the past like in Rome Total War 2.

So far though, great work and fast response!


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Apr 20, 2014
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100% can also confirm God Mode+Getting Hit with Magic= Crash.

i think god mod crashes the game in battles.

The god mode don't work very well on single units such as the Chaos Units Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's or Chaos Giants... Something you need to work on.

I did suffered a crash but don't know what caused it during my gameplay on the dwarfs, but not yet suffered another crash when playing chaos.

Towers DO have infinite range. It's called bad game design.
So far I've experienced two crashes - during the first dwarfs quest battle and first battle as Chaos with god mode on. Other than that - amazing work as always, MAF

God mode still crashes the game after a small bit ...

I only had Godmode on and it just crashed for me.

yea think godmode just needs fixing unit health still goes down and if you got godmode on and a spell hits you it causes a crash. But thats the only issue i have.

After hours and hours of testing, i can still only get it to crash on god mode when hit by magic as dwarfs, god mode seems to work on other races.

to activate skill points

open the veiw lord page, go to trainer, click game editor, set skill points

to activate xp
open the veiw lord/ hero page

*please ensure your heros are by themselves otherwise the Lrd leading the army will get the buffs*

can confirm that god mode leads to CTD on chaos campaigns. Started at least 3 times a new chaoscampaign with only god mode active. one battle could be finished the next one crashed on unit contact/damage dealt/taken. So i guess it's the magical damage thingy that got mentioned before or a certain buff.

However, had no problems during the first 10 battles on an orc campaign with only god mode active. Just a guess, but that would confirm the magical damage issue. Dwarves don't have magic and orcs only a few spells in the early game.

Everything else i used works as intended, keep up the good work and thank you very much :D

As far as my vouching for God-crashes; It was on Dwarves, against greenskins. Every other option has worked without issue, I haven't tried it again with godmode, though, for want of not CTDing.

Edit: Crashed on Chaos for me using Godmode. No idea anymore.

As far as the God Mode issue goes, I've played every race so far but Greenskins, and Chaos, and have had no crashes due to God Mode. I've done perfectly fine with no issues at all with the trainer. So I personally find it odd so many of you are having problems, when mine works perfectly.

On god mode, mine crashed on a human v human battle.

I don't know why people are complaining of crashes with god mode. Haven't had a single crash yet.

I have been using the first trainer all night and played 40+ battles (sieges and normal) using greenskins and chaos with everything but hero movement and fast recruit on and it only crashed on a couple of battles. But if it crashes on a particular battle it always crash on that battle with god mode on, so auto resolve, choose a different target, or play it without god and turn god mode back on for next fight. God mode also takes damage from magic, catapults, and some hero abilities (pretty much anything beyond melee, archery, and calvary). Population surplus wasn't working on Chaos but I haven't tried the new trainer yet. Thanks for the great work, enjoyed the game relatively problem free all night!

Just tested that and it still crashes.

Game still Crashed on of good mode and not working good becose my units helath is down

Mine also crashes after a while in a battle with the God Mode cheat turned on before the battle. However, no magic was involved in the battle. I tried it twice on the same battle (quick saved it fortunately), and it still crashes a while after my troops clashed with the enemy's. Honestly, I do not know what's the issue.

Edit: The battle is a human (The Empire) vs human (Middenland). The Empire is lead by a hero while Middenland is lead by a lord. The crashes are recorded using the +15 trainer.

Edit2: Same conditions. Also crashes with +12 trainer.

Played all day and what I can say (trainer ver.2):
I got 7 games crashes. 4 of them were completely exact due to hit spells in my troops (even when I accidentally fell into my troops haha). Other 3 had no reason for them (or may include other incredible death from catapults and falling off the wall). I used only God Mode Cheat.
Thank you MrAntiFun, you are the best! Greetings from Russia, and sorry for my english.

Just redownloaded the trainer again, seems the existing trainer has been updated and now Chaos Surplus works.
Personally, I have had no issues with this trainer so far, I don't use godmode though, my brother tells me that it never crashes for him when he uses it.
I use every other cheat except "Recover Unit Size" and "God Mode" each other them run flawlessly.
Thank-you very much MrAntiFun!

Def crash with spell effects. I'm playing Dwarves vs Greenskins. Thank you for the trainer!

Crash with "God Mode" On, in the scripted battle in Campaign Mode, when you have to settle a trap for the Greenskins in the tunnel and both sides get reinforcements at the beginning.
I'm playing Dwarves, vs Greenskins, and it happened when the dwarf allies come in, shortly after the Greenskins one.

No troubles met anywhere else

Sorry for my english (France here). Thank you MrAntiFun for all your great work !

I seriously don't know why you all keep crashing, I just finished the Chaos Warriors SP Campaign with all the trainer options on, and had absolutely 0 crashes. Same with every other race now, no crashes what so ever when running the trainer, all options too. It's very strange that only some of you get the problem, others don't get it at all no matter what. SO not sure how MAF will fix this if at all. It might be something on your end guys. (?)

Finished campaign with crash,all is fine ^^
I play Chaos now and all is alright too (turn 52).

I don't use inf magic,inf ammo and recover troops size.
Good luck to figure what exactly crash the game for some players with God mode.

Hey, thanks for your work. The God Mod makes my game crash even thought there is no spell used in the battle. The HP of my units go sky until my game crash while they are fighting. Hope you will manage to fix this, see you.

Maybe this will help others who keep on crashing with god mode active. It seems to have done the trick for me but have to continue playing to be certain.
I've reinstalled every VC-Redistributable that comes with the game. Both vcredist_x64, vcredist_x86 from 2010 and 2013.

I had them already installed so i "repaired" the installation, restarted and started the chaos campaign with the leader archaon and just godmode active.
It worked on the first settlement fight where i did crash at least more then 5 times before.
Tried that again, closed game, trainer, started the same campaign setup again and .... victory :D

The files can be found in the install-dir of the game under [steam-install-dir]\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER\_CommonRedist\vcredist\
Alternatively: Right Click in Steam on TW: Warhammer -> Properties -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files

Hopefully someone who has the same problem can test this and confirm that it works *fingers crossed*

EDIT: Nevermind, again fresh chaos campaign, first settlement battle and crash after roughly 30-45 sec. Couldn't tell if spells were involved, i just let the cavalry and hounds charge into the enemy. I guess the only damage that was done at that time was missiledamage.

I only suffered 1 crash when playing dwarfs and going after orks, but I don't know what exactly caused it... but I did have god mode on.

I've played as chaos, suffer 0 crashes. Vampire Court, 0 crashes so far... about to try Empire soon.

When i use the trainer, my game crash every time ( but just with the trainer...) Need Help to fix It please

Uhmmm it seems thats I have 50% chances to crash if I use the God Mod option and 50% that everything will work fine... It's really weird sometimes it works and sometimes it makes me crash. Next time I'll crash I'll send you my save

ill test god mode and see for sure how god mode causes the game to crash. People say its spells hitting you that causes it so ill test that.

Send you a savegame from my chaos campaign i keep on crashing.

honestly, i don't think it's only spells. My guess is that a modifier gets applied that alters damage taken, like being attacked in the rear/getting flanked/losing moral or a some sort of debuff given by spells/auras.
But then again everyone using god mode should have that problem ... i better just shut my mouth and leave the guessing be :D

I noticed that dragon orge shaggoths do not recover health after battles with the cheat on.

Yes, i'm using the +15 trainer, i crash to lets say 80%-85%.

After the reinstall of the vcredist this morning i was able to play the exact same battle as in the savegame 2 times without a crash. But since release i tried that minimum 20 times and it crashed.
I did use mods the first time but deleted them after experiencing the crashes ... no change, reinstalled the game ... no change.

Running steam and therefore the game as administrator. The trainer of course too. Tried disabling AV, redownloading the trainer but to no avail.

Im currently playing a orc campaign with mods without any kind of problems concerning the trainer (round 74). Didn't try anything else other then chaos so far.
That's what freaks me out.

I probably should mention that i never deactivate or reactivate god mode inside a running game once activated.
I just load the game up and activate it on the strategic map like shown in your video. I'm going to make a few testruns see what happens when i activate it only in battle.

I think I've found a solution. Sort of... While there seems to be not a single universal reason for crashes due to god mode being turned on, I can confirm having no more crashes if it's activated in the main menu BEFORE starting/continuing a campaign.

Game crashes every time one of my Mages cast a Spell while Gomode active.

Trainer works fine for me if no Magic casted.

Gotta try that out.

Did a few more tests on my end with my crashing chaos: activated god mode only in battle and deactivated it afterwards, 6 battles fought without a crash so far using everything i got; siege engines and magic etc.
Kinda feel pretty dumb for not trying that out in the first place, sorry for all the fuss.

Probably just add a note or something in the trainer-description. I guess this trainer gets updated quite frequently the next 2-3 months due to dlcs or whatnot imho.

New trainer added with final cheats ,No more cheats will be added .

A fix for GodMode was applied so please get the latest trainer and let me know if it crashes .


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
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New trainer added with final cheats ,No more cheats will be added .

A fix for GodMode was applied so please get the latest trainer and let me know if it crashes .
Testing right now, will edit post to let you know.
I haven't had any crashes, seems to be working fine.
Last edited:


New Member
May 25, 2016
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No mods. Same battle as before. Only God Mode on. Still crashes. Crashed 4 times in a row. It crash fairly quickly. No spells were involved this time. This is a Dwarves vs Greenskin fight.

Commander Rahl

Active Member
Jun 20, 2015
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No mods. Same battle as before. Only God Mode on. Still crashes. Crashed 4 times in a row. It crash fairly quickly. No spells were involved this time. This is a Dwarves vs Greenskin fight.
Just out of curiosity, what version of the game are you running? Steam download or retail box copy? Also what version of OS are you running 32 or 64?


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Apr 20, 2014
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No mods. Same battle as before. Only God Mode on. Still crashes. Crashed 4 times in a row. It crash fairly quickly. No spells were involved this time. This is a Dwarves vs Greenskin fight.
You using trainer +17?.

Sam Low

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Dec 15, 2014
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Tried out another human vs human battle, the God Mode crash issue seems to be fixed using the +17 trainer since the game did not crash during the battle. Will update after trying out a few more battles. Thank you for the hard work.

Commander Rahl

Active Member
Jun 20, 2015
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Tried out another human vs human battle, the God Mode crash issue seems to be fixed using the +17 trainer since the game did not crash during the battle. Will update after trying out a few more battles. Thank you for the hard work.
Are you meaning PvP or Empire vs Empire? Using the trainer against anything other than the AI is VAC bannable.

Still not seeing any issues with the trainer as any faction when hit by magic or artillery. Almost completed the Dwarfs campaign playthrough and not suffering from any previous issues from other people. So it looks like at least for my end that the trainers still work 100%.

One small thing to note though is that despite their being Recover Troops Size, if the unit itself loses all of its infantry in a Quick Battle, the unit will be destroyed. Granted, I've fought all but three battles across three campaigns in person because they last less than five minutes each.


New Member
Nov 29, 2014
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Tested my chaos campaign with the +17 trainer. Everything plays nicely now.

Solid work and thank you very much for your ongoing support, cheers! :)


Apr 23, 2015
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Sadly it´s still crashing(Dwarfs against Vampire Counts) i think it´s crashing because the enemy is doing a Spell(Not sure though)


New Member
May 25, 2016
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Using Win10 64 bit. Steam copy of game. It seems like a common theme is Dwarfs? Using the +17 version of the trainer. Trainer and game has admin rights.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
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Maybe it is an issue with only the Dwarfs. Odd, don't understand why it wouldn't be compatible with them.